Feng Lu - The Doom Bringing, Cursed Crow of the Underworld

Until recently , Feng Lu was thought to be nothing more than an ancient Chinese myth. A story told to frighten children. But that was not the case afterall.

For one day an envious, vengeful, spiteful man discovered a passage in an ancient scroll. It told him that he could call forth the cursed Feng Lu to wreak evil upon the world and smite his enemies. To almost anyone, the cost of raising the demon would be much too high. But not for this man. He was more than happy to sacrifice his own soul, plus that of two generations of sons, to eternal ■■■■■■■■■.

Now that the demon Feng Lu has been unleashed, no one seems to know how to banish it again. How many more lives will be extinguished before Feng Lu is destroyed? How many more souls must be sacrificed? We may never know.


A few too many colours for me.


Fair criticism. I’m curious though, there are 5 total colors here (black, silver, trans-orange, trans red, light azure). What is your upper limit for the number of colors in a MOC?

It’s not so much the number of colours as the fact that these clash.

Oh ok. Clashing colors is different from the number of colors, which is what your comment said. So that’s why I asked. Thanks for clarifying.

Appreciate the feedback though, especially critiques. No better way to improve one’s skills.


This looks like a fairly sturdy build. I like the look of the black, silver, and trans red-orange, but the azure limbs seem to stand out a bit too much. If you could change them to trans red organize limbs, then I think it will look a bit better.

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Indeed. It was a bold choice. I wanted to add a color that really pops out. I was going for something kind of like this:

And since it’s inspired by Chinese mythology, I had visions of Chinese dragons too:


I guess I do see how you want it to stand out. Maybe if you add little azure pieces on the legs, it will help the color distribution a little bit more.


I feel like the blue should be distributed better. The MOC is a bit simple for my tastes, but nevertheless it looks great.

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This is great, but I do have to agree with the fact that the blue is out of place or should be distributed better.

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The MOC is a bit simple for my tastes

Thanks for your feedback. I’ve received comments like this before, but I’m always left wondering what it means. When you say simple, are you referring to the number of parts/pieces used?

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Partially, yes, though I also mean techniques used.

It’s not bad or anything, nor is it criticism worthy, but it does slightly take away a bit of uniqueness in the build, however in this case it looks perfectly fine.

Again, nice job.

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Hey, no worries man. I love the input. Especially critiques. Good stuff in your comment here.

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To many colors for my taste.

But it is a cool design. I really like the wings.

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its good but get the blue out of there it clashes

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I think the blue is fine, I’d remove the orange bits.

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It looks really good but I think instead of getting rid of the blue just add more and take out another color

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that is cool

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The blue could be distributed a bit better in the lower part of the MOC, but other than that, the MOC looks pretty good.

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The backstory is kinda frightening, but the MOC looks great!
I really have no suggestions! It looks complete and, overall, very nice!

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