Fullmetal Alchemist


another thought I had while talking to my friend is just how sad the series could get. For example, Maes Hughes’s funeral broke me. Like, what kind of monster could write that?

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ah, so that’s who I have to thank for my broken soul


Don’t watch Clannad.

It will break you the same way Randy Savage snaps into a slim jim.

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Such a sad moment, I really should finish Brotherhood…

I love both of them! I’d say that Fullmetal Alchemist is a better series to start with, and then you should watch Brotherhood. I (like most people) prefer Brotherhood.

Don’t know if this is new news, but these shows are on Netflix.

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I love Fullmetal Alchemist. Both series are great, like a lot of people, I think Brotherhood is better and it is my number 1 favorite anime.

I’m only watching FMA so far, and i’m only on like episode 40. How is Brotherhood different and what is it about? Is it a sequel?

Brotherhood is a remake that follows the manga more closely.


Should I watch Brotherhood right away when I am done with FMA or watch Conquerer of Shamballa?

Watch Shamballa if you wanna wrap up everything nicely

Then take a break before watching brotherhood.

6-7 years of experience (or in some cases new voice actors altogether) changes everyone’s voices a bit.

I tried to watch the original, but…

I wasn’t a fan. The animation felt lazy and bad (especially when they were angry), the story was barely even a story, and nothing about it (except the little brother being cute) really worked for me.
I hear Brotherhood is better, though.

I don’t think you watched FMA.

No, I did.

(come on, look at the little brother in the background and the lack of effort put into his face!

Admittedly, I didn’t finish the season, but that was because watching it felt like a chore.

To be honest, for me to like an anime it must do two things:

  1. Avoid too many obnoxious anime things (lazy animation, wobble eye, huge hair, squealing voices, overly massive eyes, enormous boobs).

  2. Make up for those things by being a good show.

If an anime can do both (attack on titan or deadman wonderland), or just the second one (the first half of season one of sword art online), I will enjoy it. To me, FMA did neither. It piled on the lazy animation and its dull story utterly failed to interest me at all.
I couldn’t even like the theme song a bit, which is not a good thing.

I understand that you dislike it when the show simplifies the characters from time to time, however the expressive, simplified designs are used as a tool to convey the characters’ emotion and/or the absurdity of the situation as easy as possible. The crude art was only used in goofy situations with a light-hearted feel (as far as I can remember).

The more important scenes were given more attention, and the character acting and fights looked great for the most part. And, hey, Yutapon worked on the '03 FMA; he doesn’t do bad animation.

Two brothers perform a human transmutation in attempt to bring their dead mother back and end up losing their bodies. The anime follows the brothers trying to find a way to regain their former selves or, at least, get Alphonse back his human body. Sounds like an interesting setting, right?

There’s quite a few openings for the series. But yeah, I enjoy the first one mainly for nostalgic reasons and the opening monologue.

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HA HA HA HA. Don’t make me laugh. But yeah, watch Conquerer of Shamballa. It is canon.

@king328 Maybe watch more (or all) of the show before passing judgement.

Conquerer of Shamballa is the canon continuation…of the first anime series.

At least its a way better movie for an anime than Star of Milos, which is a filler movie.

Star of Milos also doesn’t fit into canon.