Fullmetal Alchemist

It does for Brotherhood.

No, it doesn’t. The point from which Al and Ed know that the philosophers stone is made of souls onward, there is no break in action that can allow for the movie to take place until the timeskip right before the day of reckoning, during which Ed and Al are separated, and Ed is a fugitive, except for parts where Ed and Al are separated, and after that the only break in action is after the show’s conclusion, and the movie could never happen after that point.

Did you guys see this?
I’m getting flashbacks…

Watch Conquerer of Shamballa, then take a small break, and go to Brotherhood.

How many people here have read the manga? I own all of themmmm…

The show is my favorite show of all time. Which may not be saying much because I don’t watch a lot of TV, but it’s a FANTASTIC SHOW.

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I’ve read the 1st, 17th, and 6th volume

Those are… Really random numbers. How did you manage to only read those three?

I don’t know… picked randomly from my school library


scared of live-action chimeras?

Just started watching about a week ago. Up to EP 18. Goodness the feels. It gets better, r-right? ;_;


No, scared of REAL chimeras.


The ride never ends

But I want off the ride ;_;

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if you cant take the heat get out of the kitchen

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Are you seriously telling me that the show made for people who want to project their lives on a guy with no personality who is apparently the equivalent to Jesus and gets all the girls for no reason is better than the show about two brothers who failed trying to bring their mother back to life, and then trying to repay for what they’ve done? I’m not catching on to your logic here. The “obnoxious things” (which I don’t disagree with you on those things being obnoxious) you mention in anime is infinitely more prevalent in SAO, [quote=“king328, post:56, topic:9350”]
Avoid too many obnoxious anime things (lazy animation, wobble eye, huge hair, squealing voices, overly massive eyes, enormous boobs).
SAO has literally all of these things to a moderate or extreme degree except lazy animation. FMA has at least 2 of them to a fairly light degree. The original FMA’s animation quality is definitely lower than SAO or a lot of other anime that has come out recently. Keep in mind the show came out in 2003, and really, it’s not THAT bad. The only other thing is the squealing voices, Edward doesn’t really squeal, but he gets mad so I guess that might count for you, either way there was also more squealing in SAO by just about every member of Kirito’s harem.[quote=“king328, post:56, topic:9350”]
Make up for those things by being a good show.

Sword Art Online barely did that in its first half and certainly failed in the second half. The plot has no focus, and it soon becomes just excuses for Kirito to get more girls. It’s so pointless anyways because Kirito is so good at everything it barely matters, and because he’s so great at everything they have to create pointless drama, like in the second episode when that guy could’ve been saved by Kirito but chooses to let himself die for no reason. Even if you don’t like FMA, this argument is pretty weak as soon as you bring up SAO.


EXACTLY. SAO was decent enough in the first half of season one, but I couldn’t even make myself watch the rest, it was so bad. The reason I liked SAO is the first place was the intriguing idea of being trapped in a game and the interesting (and sometimes cool) visual design choices, like the bosses, swords, and outfits.

Yes but those annoying things are mostly still there in the first half, they’re admittedly not as bad, but there’s still much more of that going on than in FMA. I just don’t understand how you ignore thesethings in SAO when they’re so much of it going on. Yes, SAO had a lot of cool stuff but ultimately it never lived up to it’s full potential. You claim that FMA barely has a story while SAO from the beginning seems quite confused about what kind of story it wants to present.


<------ You’re killing me… choke choke
But what about SAO 2
All joking aside, FMA is better. Obviously.