GAME: Legend Of Steve: Text-Based Forum Adventure

Number 2. Make them the dead…

Knock them out. So vote 1.

Go for 2

I vote 2.

I vote 1.

How did I completely missed this and the one previous!? I love these,

reads through both

I vote 1. Let’s see if this time victory can be a bit less bloody

This is the final Story of Steve, but I might do another series of text-based adventures.

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I vote 1, knock knock.


Steve lunged at the trio, forcing two of them to the ground. He then swiped at the other’s legs, knocking him down as well. The two of them tried to free themselves. Steve punched them both in the face, knocking them unconscious. He stood up looking down at the limp bodies. Steve opened his mouth and rubbed his canine teeth. Could his bite cause them to mutate? He was once a mutant, but it may not work. He needed an army, and he needed it now.


  1. Kill the unconscious soldiers.
  2. Attempt to infect them.

Vote 2. Give it a shot.

I vote 1.

I vote 2.

I vote 2.



Steve sighed and bit one of the unconscious soldier’s throat. The man started to convulse. Steve had no idea if it was working or not. He soon stopped, and scales spread across his neck and face. Steve smiled and bit the next soldier on the arm. After convulsing, he had razor sharp claws. The next received sharp talons on both of his feet. Steve was on his way to getting an army. The three soon awoke, startled by their mutations.
“What did you do to us?!” one shouted. Steve showed them his canine teeth and explained how he was making an army. They didn’t seem on board.
“We have families! How are we supposed to see them like this?!” he touched the deformed half of his face. Steve told them that they can after they help him. It took some time, but Steve did get them to join him. They all followed him to the roof of a half ruined building. He explained his plan for mutate more people. All three of them would sneak into the military base’s medical wing and infect everyone inside.They listened begrudgingly as Steve pointed out three ways to get in: the roof, the sewers, and the air ducts.
“Only he has the mutated face, so isn’t John the only one who can infect people like you can?” one interjected. Steve hadn’t taken that into consideration. Instead, they broke into teams of two. Steve and Bill (the one with the mutated legs), and John and Fred (the one of the mutated arm).


  1. Team A: Steve and Bill
  2. Team B: John and Fred
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This is Steve’s Adventures. Vote 1.


I vote 1.

I vote 2.

sorry guys that I haven’t been on lately, I’ve been on vacation

How should Steve and Bill enter the building?

  1. The Roof
  2. The Sewers
  3. The Air ducts
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