future IT support guy right here
I did.
Sorry I wasn’t of more help, but I’m glad to see that the parts pack is working for you now just the same.
For the record, this sort of thing was exactly what I intended when creating this thread. There’s a real dearth of support for Stud.io, expecially in the Bionicle side of things. Glad you could get it working.
So, I finally got around to getting stud.io, but I’m running into an issue with the lack of Bionicle parts. I know that a Biopack exists, but I don’t know where to download it, or how to use it.
Can anyone help with this?
As for how to install it, it’s been explained here in this thread
Thanks! That worked great.
Good news, a bunch of bionicle pieces were added in the most recent update!
They’re all parts that are already in the biopack, but they’ll be good for anyone having problems downloading it.
Does anyone know where I might find stud.io parts of the Mahri masks? Specifically the Volitak?
Or even just a 3d model that I can turn into a stud.io part?
I haven’t found any 3D models, but the mahri masks will be added in the next biopack update (which, according to the creator, will be coming soon)
Didn’t it get cancelled?
No, I don’t think so
(it looks like most of it is refining old molds, but there’s plenty of new stuff , too. Unfortunately, it looks like there are only 2 mahri masks, but maybe they’re still working on the others)
This was posted about a week ago.
I see. Welp, that’s unfortunate. I don’t fully understand the situation there, but I hope that any issues can be resolved, and that the update can eventually be released
Most of the models weren’t even created by Kryakwa so they should be released anyway
Hi there I know it is annoying at first but hopefully after a while you will recognize (part of the) names of the parts which will help greatly. Not sure which keywords you are using now though so perhaps you got this one covered already.
That’s partially true. However sometimes you just want to look through the catalogue for parts. Inspiration, uncertainty of the part name, etc. I can’t actually comment on the scroll speed anymore; I haven’t had a working scrollwheel for like a year, and simply can’t be bothered to replace my mouse. But the scroll bar is just as useless as ever, if not moreso.
How do I download these additional parts packs?
ok, I figured that out, but does anyone know a pack with this piece: