One of the few members of the Brotherhood of Makuta to escape the wrath of the the newborn Hierophant ran away and far up north crossing both continents, realm of Karzahni and burying himself deep in the shadows cast by the most legendary city. Despite being unable to get in touch with the lieutenant (and now, the functioning leader) of the Brotherhood), Teridax, the runaway hunter still wasn’t planning on letting Mutran win easily. Vamprah took his time in Metru Nui to gather several hunting parties to in order to accumulate force powerful enough to stop Mutran.
Sometime later, a peculiar set of canisters were retrieved by scouts. In them, were found six toa. Vamprah haven’t had an opportunity to see them before, but that didn’t change much - the toa were nothing out of the ordinary, and the malfunctioning in their vessels that led to a near complete memory wipe didn’t help either. Vamprah almost brushed these away, until he noticed the ice warrior, armed with a shield and a blade. The cold exterior seems to have resonated with Makuta’s own silent nature. Toa of Ice had no words to drop, no emotion to show, but a quick and concise mindset, valued by the runaway hunter, which in turn, would grow into Toa of Ice becoming a trusted assistant in Vamprah’s rule over Metru Nui.
Metru Nui got attacked. Freed from his prison, the nightmarish deity and its blind priest broke through lines of defense like a hammer through cardboard with spears, blades, fire and pure madness. The buildings were falling down, so did the lines of vahki, rahkshi, bohrok. Vamprah was never a scientist, so what little he did to empower his troops was not worth much in terms of saving lives, even when it came down to the toa. The battle was quick, and with Kopaka, a couple of lucky matoran and himself, Vamprah stared in horror, as the sky itself had fallen down through Tren Krom’s wrath. His only hope of keeping the universe alive was to use his own strength to keep it from crumbling down upon the unfortunate souls that still resided there…
He stood there, sky on his shoulders. Giant weight mutilated the legs of Makuta Vamprah and smashed his rib cage into shards. Hunter held the sky with all his might, but nothing seemed to have worked. Vamprah just… wasn’t enough. The weight would’ve crushed him even further, had it not been for a Kopaka’s reaction. Toa of Ice, quiet as ever, brought himself to the Hunter, giving away his strength to Vamprah and merging into one being. The silent colossus, the fusion of a toa and a makuta, was able to withstand the enormous pressure, keeping those who lives under Metru Nui’s dome alive for another day…