HowTo: MOC Tutorials

No, they’re both in the Mausoleum.




i can
and will

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“It’s unfair, it’s outrageous…”


How can you use a prequel meme, and not get the quote right?


I actually wrote it right but then thought he would put the more low key remark first. I second guessed myself

Time for you to reap the clout whilst I languish in the cold shadows for my concave brain move :pensive: :skull:


So on the end of the wheel facing forwards in the picture, with the hollowed-out inside, you can fit the top of a stud into, and on the inverse side you can fit the bottom of a stud into.

Simply use this hollowed-out stud in place of the normal stud, and you can fit the modern towball piece into it for a quick and easy (if slightly fragile) leg design.



Best of luck in your endeavors.


I mean, that would work, but why not just use the older pin-and-towball piece then? My actual problem is the thigh design. Using the given Mixels socket joints, I haven’t figured out a suitable way to orient a socket in the proper direction for the knee without making the hips flare out awkwardly.

Tried that, didn’t really give the aesthetic I’m going for. I might mess around with them a bit more.

…That’s an abomination. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Heres some techniques I used for Shadow’s revamp:


I got this from someone on the boards, but I cant find where it was. Its designed to give full eyes to the Makuta side of a Krakahn.


This is a design of my own, though I hope you have a spare Dume & Nivawk somewhere…

And heres the modifications I made to allow his sword to be attached:

Shoulders/Upper Arms

These are also my own design, designed to be covered by Knights Kingdom shoulder armor. There is a version with a balljoint going to the next joint, as well as one with a socket.


So I’ve recently got back into bionicle, and I wanted to make some MOCs. The problem is that I don’t own any mask (except for the 2015/16 ones), and I was wondering if any of you knew how to make masks with system pieces or something like that, specifically the main 7 toa nuva masks (or at least the Miru nuva, Kakama nuva and Pakari nuva)

It’s not nuva, but @Luigi1456andrew on Instagram made some heavy system usage of his versions of the original 7 Toa.

I don’t have like 60% of those pieces lol, plus the masks would probably be too big

Any tips on building bionicle mechs? I have a general plan on design but I need a good strong frame for an upper body that can cover the pilot.


I’m not sure what pieces you have access to, but generally good old technic is what you need for a rigid seat and backing for your mech. Also friction joiners and hydraulic cylinders are handy to stop limbs sagging. I’ve done two before, they were both APU (Blue People Avatar) inspired with a rollcage but if it’s a mecha I guess just use technic panels to cover the chest and then make a head of choice.



sorry must’ve been something in my nose which I don’t have


Well I did figure out the build though it’s changed into more of a semi humanoid drone suit like an obvious mech design.

had a dream where they closed this topic


Hey guys, I am trying to make a rahi that looks like it’s from 2001-2003, with a function.

I could really use the function wizard @Tributron right about now!


Thats extremely vague by just stating function. Do you have a species in mind?
Is it a classic Kanohi-smacking function in mind, or did you want something like movement? Or combination like the Nui-rama?

Also just a personal note, but if you aren’t making the function yourself, you’re really just decorating someone else’s design. I’d recommend challenging yourself to create something of your own

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Thanks for the advice @Takutanuva !