HowTo: MOC Tutorials


hot dawg

Do any of you know how to take off post 08 sockets from a ball joint (i.e. Vahki hips) without friction so they will not break? I have Mazeka’s vehicle and want to use the vahki hips for a MOC, but am really scared about breaking the sockets, especially since I have no replacements on me right now. Two of them are already cracked.

Usually I just cross my fingers and go for it, to be honest. Even if they’re cracked, I have a lot of cracked joints that haven’t given out on me yet. Your luck will give out eventually, but it’ll probably work for the moment.


From my experience, 2008 sockets usually only break from either extreme force or being dropped onto hard surfaces. You should be fine just removing them as normal.


I facepalmed when I realized I could do this. Would work better with a different rod tho.


Alright so early yesterday I held a poll to see if anyone would want to see a how to for my self moc, and the majority said yes, so here we go.

And there we go, you now have yourself an Artillery. Feel free to use the design but do give credit, and if i see any of you lurkers that post on the bioniclelego reddit use this design and don’t give credit, I will silently Judge you (seeing that I don’t actually have a reddit account)


Wow, lots of cool stuff here. I’m always impressed by how intricate you guys can get with these.


Thanks for the instructions, I might make use of these.


Felt like these were decent forearm/hand designs. Semi-Opposable thumb too
Not native to this moc, but a work in progress


This is a WIP I’ve had in the works for some time now

And I have no idea how to do the legs


ngl the sausage tongue makes it look kinda derpy, but those eyes look quite nice.


Yep that was an intended look, it was to mock how most deep sea creatures are kind of lazy, really annoyed that I couldn’t come up with a good leg design though


Maybe if you give him a single tail instead of legs? Or a bunch of tentacles? I find that trying something odd can help me get past blocks sometimes.

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Hmmm I didn’t think of that, but I do really want him with legs, but I will definitely give him a tail, thanks


Maybe give him two tails as Legs or if you have then sure Gali nuvas flipper axes

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torso is good, head is hilarious, limbs… are just weird and bad. like what’s supposed to be going on here? and why metru waists? that looks super awkward.


maybe be a little more constructive than just “it’s bad”


Ha ha I knew someone would ‘ask’ this, his arms are like that to try and ‘mimic’ the look that most deep sea creatures have where their body’s have lots of frills and wavy bits on them, it has the metru waists because I am lazy and couldn’t be bothered to waste the few lift arms and ball joints that I had at the time (it is also an old moc which I never finished and I have just come back to it) if you @elementalheroshadow have an ideas I would love to hear them.


A little late, but I think I figured out what @N01InParticular meant with

Required parts:

I slid a transparent 1x2 grille tile into his left eye as a makeshift eyestalk. It should pop right in. Regular 1x2 tiles might also work, but 1x2 plates won’t. There won’t be enough space in there for the stud.

Next slide in the ball joint. Has to be one of the ones with a through axle hole so it will be flush with the tile. There should be a bit of tension now, so while you push the ball in the vent should turn itself diagonally. Otherwise you have to push it manually. We want it diagonal so it (sort of) covers both eyes.

You may be beginning to realize how janky this eyestalk setup truly is. I recommend taking a short break to wait until you finish shuddering, and your eyelid stops twitching.

It’s about done now but for the Bulk helmet specifically, I got a special optimization. Put a small Barb in the Metru heads mouth to help hold the helmet in place.

You can then slide the helmet axle into the balljoint. It will only go halfway in. Just push it as far as you can, no force. Will still hold 3x better than G2 masks.

Done. This won’t work for most Glatorian style helmets as they are way too small to fit on Metru heads in the first place, but for those that are roomy enough it should work fine. Looking good is a different matter though.

Sorry for the bad lighting. I had to use flash to make the inside of the head visible.

I do plan on getting a proper photo set to start uploading my backlog of Mocs but I haven’t made any preparations yet, so trashy look for now. In fact, I don’t even know the first thing about how to set up lighting for MOCs, so I would very much appreciate any and all advice.

I will probably be banned from ever setting foot in Denmark for this. I hope this was worth it.