If You Could Remove One Character From BIONICLE

Oh, cool, thanks. I’ll probably read that at some point in the future.

This is a great point. As another example, there’s an old Doctor Who serial where the Doctor has an opportunity to erase the Daleks from existence, but he decides he doesn’t have the right to do it because he’d also destroy all the heroism that arose from people fighting them.

More directly on topic…I know it’s more than one character, but what if you removed the Great Beings, and just left the origin of everything a mystery?


That’d add another layer of depth that could’ve kept the line going a bit longer. Honestly, I like the way Farshtey portrayed the GBs, but I understand someone not wanting it to be explained. At least he didn’t handle it like Lucas did and just inserted some stupid random thing just to make it sound scientific. Stupid medichlorians.


@BioRaiders532 Yeah, I don’t necessarily have a problem with them, and I like the way Greg wrote them, but it would be an interesting (and possibly beneficial on the whole) alteration.

Oh goodness, don’t remind me about midic…midi…no, I won’t say it! :stuck_out_tongue: Yeah, despite what some may claim, there’s nothing that bad in Bionicle.


Roodaka… just because.

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I would remove Gresh.

I mean, what did he even do?


would anyone consider any of the toa or even matanui?

Well he…um…hold on…i couldnt think of anything. I guess your right.


Well, he retrieved one piece of golden armor for Tahu.

He also… uh… got beaten up by a Skrall once.

Tahu. Then we can get rid of that annoying Omega Tahu joke.


That could’ve been anyone though.

aww, what’s wrong with Av-Matoran?

They had no purpose except for a little gimmick. I mean, they didn’t really do much. =/

well… they became bohrok that has to count for something right?

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I’d remove that guy called Vuhii. He didn’t really do anything but sit around and be eaten by rahi.


They served as an explanation for toa of light, but the writers easily could have made Takua the only one which would make sense because he was the first matoran ever created and the only toa of light ever confirmed, then just had the other Av-matoran be normal elements.


Vastus should go. he did absolutely nothing.

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@Middlefingerstudios Yeah, but they could have just as easily been general Matoran, or something else.

@CausticKrana Yop yop.

Although, I did just mean those crappy sets from 2008, not the entire race… I shoulda made that clearer.


I’d remove Vakama so that the Vahi would not exist.


Well then O_O
That’s pretty extreme, why do you hate the Vahi?


Simply saying that after reading some posts on how the Vahi connection would end up screwing up the reboot aspect of BIONICLE.

Not to be taken srsly.