Introduce Yourself!

Greetings. I am Metal-Rawr, I have been watching TTV for about a year new, after discovering their Biocraft project through… I am not sure. I believe it was just random googling?
Anyway, a bit more about me: I’m from Israel, and I’m absolutely addicted to Dota 2. Woop woop!

also eljay is awesome
no homo

Make that four, mate.
I thought the ‘G’Day, G’Day’ would’ve been enough to key everyone in without specifically stating it.
Victorian born and bred, here.

Are you ever gonna play Dota with the rest of us? :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: Holy crap you’ve played more (and are better) than me

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You can just call me Rise.


Hi i’m Toa_Caymaster, or just Caymaster and I have a youtube channel called The Caymaster. I’ve been with BIONICLE since 2006 and my 1st set was Toa Nuparu , one of my favorites. I also like listening to Linkin Park and playing video games, I want to be a musician.

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Hello! I am Kaanfight, but you may call me Kaanfight. I have watched TTV for around 6 moths, and been with bionicle since 2005. First set: Toa Hordika Whenua.

TTV is love. TTV is life.

Venom is love. Venom is life.

Ohayo, minna! I go by many names, Dareth the Brown Ninja on DeviantArt, legojedi328 and legojediranger threetwoeight on youtube, and KyoryuYellow1138 on BZP and here. My history with Bionicle is a unique one, to say the least. In 2004, I went to Chuck E. Cheese’s. I won enough tickets to get both the Black Vahki and the Purple Knight’s Kingdom dude. They got me hooked onto LEGO, but the next time I would get anything Bionicle was in 2011 at a garage sale, where I got Tahnok, Gahlok, Lehvak Kal, and Kohrak. In late 2012, Ninjago, my favorite LEGO theme, was going to be replaced with Chima, and needless to say, I got pretty upset, but I wanted to see what the sets were like, so I got on youtube and looked for Chima set pictures, and one of the first search results was TTV Episode 54: Bird Tanks and Croc Planes. It was hilarious, and to this day it’s one of my favorite episodes, solely for nostalgic reasons. As for my favorite show on the channel, that would have to be either Recap Reviews or On eBay Today (R.I.P.). Shortly after I was introduced to TTV, I began to collect Bionicle sets. I currently have all the Toa Mata, all the Bohrok, Jaller and Hewkii Inika, Turaga Vakama, and Matoran Nuhrii. I also have all the Hero Factory Brain Attack sets, not including Jet Rocka.


I’m not Australian, but I heavily agree. Why should you have to pay double to buy LEGO in Australia? LEGO is a big company, so they don’t exactly need the extra cash!


Hi, I am Ethazoid, from DaLanDownUndah* and I found out about TTV from my brother Dandezille, when we were trying to find the comics that he was in. When I saw that the person who did these comics, ( @Mesonak ) was on a youtube channel about bionicle news, I decided to check it out. My favourite segment would have to be ‘On Ebay Today’ @Venom does a great job to make it really ironic, right down to the music in the background

*If you got that joke, congratulations.

Another Aussie! Straya mate.

Oh, and hello.

I suppose it’s natural so many Aussies would be fans of the only world that has a land as equally dangerous as our own home. :stuck_out_tongue:


Man, someone needs to do a fan art of all the Aussie fan’s looking ■■■■■■ and shooting stuff in an 80-90’s like movie scene :stuck_out_tongue:


Someone get on this man’s idea! Seconding like it’s no-one’s business!

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I just realised I am the only person whos from the middle of the medeterrean

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Malta? That’s in the middle of the Mediterranean.

yep you are correct

Like most everyone else who posts here, I’m very new:P I’m Leoxandar and I’ve been stalking TTV ever since I found Var’s autopsy about a year ago. I don’t have a YouTube account so what better way to talk then here:P

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wow, I am surprised anyone actually got that. And hello to you, oh broadest of bands.

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