“Disturbing leaks” as in remove?
(Is the leak policy in effect in this universe?)
I dunno, you tell me. You’re Kahi.
Should you object or not?
No objections, we have no evidence countering the testimony. Only the arrest. Ask the question on why was Meso arrested if he was upholding the leak policy?
Kahi: Er… Why was Meso arrested if he was upholding the law?
Slime: Well OBVIOUSLY he was caught pasting the image of a leak on the board outside of the TTV building and offices. Our next witness should be able to tell us more. Are you done?
doesn’t distribution mean handing out?
also @Chronicler ask him why he wasn’t confident in his statement?
Whoops, I read it as “disturbing”.
My mistake. Anyway, I guess we’ll have to see what the witness has to say.
yes what does the witness say?
Slime: N-no reason! No reason at all! It’s just kinda hot in here!
Venom: Shall we bring up the witness?
Yes your honour I am ready to speak with the witness
Slime: As you wish, Kahi.
???: Ugh.
Slime: Alright, let’s get down to business.
Cronk: Chronicler ModSquad, but my frien-
Slime: Yeah yeah, we know. You’re a Moderator.
Cronk: Gee thanks. I can’t even finish sentences in this court.
Slime: Just hurry up with the testimony.
Cronk: On the 24th of December, the new “Leak Laws” were set in place by the TTV Cast. This banned ANY leaks from being spread. Of course, Mr. Mesonak himself posted the leaks hoping he could spread the news.
It was on the BIONICLE 2016 topic on January 4th he posted the leaks. They featured a green monster thing. They also had the word “confidential” written on them. Pretty suspicious if you ask me.
The leaks? Leaks for a Jungle Beast and a bunch of other creatures, and a new Umarak. Unfortunately, the Moderators could only get one of the leaks, the Jungle Beast one.
Of course, Mr. Mesonak tried to cover it up by deleting the post. However, Plural and a Mr. Nekchir managed to get a quick glimpse and flagged Mr. Mesonak’s post.
Kahi: (Time to pick apart his statement!)
Court Record
- My attorny’s badge. Tells people that I’m an attorney.
Objection! didn’t you say your witness’s were
this is not either of these people
Slime: Well, he didn’t SEE it happen, but he’s a detective. He investigates the scene after it happened, which is why he’s a witness.
Court Record
- My attorny’s badge. Tells people that I’m an attorney.
Spread the news of the new policy by posting leaks? That makes no sense. Did you mean something else?
Slime: Something is terribly wrong with your head, Kahi. Did you not listen to what he said?
Slime: He obviously stated that Mesonak posted the leaks hoping to spread the news of them.
Court Record
- My attorney’s badge. Tells people that I’m an attorney.
if Mesonak has indeed posted these lets see the post
Cronk: Er, here. It was a listing along with a picture.
List of Leaks:
Quake Beast, Storm Beast, Lava Beast, Ekimu, Umarak the Destroyer. Posted in the summer of 2015. The complete list.
Cronk: Here is the leak itself. It contains the image of a “Jungle Beast” for the summer of 2016. Pretty neat but also very illegal.
Court Record
- My attorney’s badge. Tells people that I’m an attorney.
It contains the image of a “Jungle Beast” for the summer of 2016.
List of Leaks: Quake Beast, Storm Beast, Lava Beast, Ekimu, Umarak the Destroyer. Posted in the summer of 2015. The complete list.
Mr. Cronk we did not ask for the picture we asked for a specific post provide the complete post or we will be forced to assume you fabricated this
Slime: Your gonna get what you’re gonna get, sonny jim. Now use the evidence fairly otherwise you’ll get in trouble! Besides, you have no PROOF of fabrication!
Court Record
- My attorney’s badge. Tells people that I’m an attorney.
It contains the image of a “Jungle Beast” for the summer of 2016.
List of Leaks: Quake Beast, Storm Beast, Lava Beast, Ekimu, Umarak the Destroyer. Posted in the summer of 2015. The complete list.
“Jungle Beast” isn’t included on the provided list of leaks that the post had.
How exactly did you even obtain that picture if the post was taken down?