UPDATE: Mostly the same, just changed illumination to mehanic in Studio.
Hi. This is the moc of Lariska I’m planning to enter into the Canon Contest. I’ve seen people are already sharing their interpretations of this character and so I decided to do the same.
There are very few teal pieces and the only Bionicle sets with them are the turquoise Tarakava and tohunga Kongu. This moc is 100% buildable without painting or 3D models, and only requires one Tarakava. The daggers had to be an essential part of this moc. Lariska has 6 of them. The design is the same as the back daggers of Hydraxon because, according to the lore, they were a payment from the Order of Mata Nui.
I wanted the silhouette to look feminine and slender, not because it is a female moc, but because the character is clearly inspired in some comic book’s most famous femme fatales like Catwoman or Black Widow, besides “Legacy of Evil” makes very clear, through Hakann, that Lariska does care a lot about her appearance, enough to not wear a Kanohi just because of it.
The head was the most difficult part to make. Greg made very clear that Lariska is not a Vortixx, so I didn’t use a Vahki head. Also, I wanted a face that looks like something that can wear a Kanohi, and familiar enough for a Toa. The moc also has hip articulation, the ribbed hoses have the function to look like the body can move organically from hip to chest instead of in a single ball joint. With the mechanic arm I decided to only use technic pieces, and all articulation is entirely based on hinge and pin friction, unlike ball joints and bars from the organic arm.
Regarding height, she is quite taller than a Toa. Of course some will find that as a con since Greg said that she was Toa sized. However, most Dark Hunters are titan sized and Lariska is said to be the most feared and lethal Dark Hunter only behind The Shadowed One himself, and it wouldn’t be believable for a Toa-sized character with no powers beyond her training acquired agility and precision with weapons to kick the butts of dudes the size of Eliminator or Conjurer, not to mention Minion and Spinner. Thus I wanted a MOC that scales well next to other Dark Hunters. For size reference, she stands at 34.5 units tall, which is a bit shorter than Sidorak and one head shorter than Brutaka and Roodaka.
UPDATE: I found this more recent post where Greg says Lariska’s height relative to a Toa is unknown. He forgot? Maybe. Do I care? Not at all.