Least favourite boss battle in a video game

Aw : \

If only.

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Galactus in MvC3 is a more fair boss fight.

And Galactus has a move that covers the whole screen with lasers.

master core has a move that covers the screen in swords

Just X-Factor and block. You wonā€™t take chip damage, and you can punish it pretty hard because Galactus takes a day and a half to recover from that attack.

O/T: Least favorite boss would probably be something like the final ā€œbossā€ from Shadow of Mordor or Watch Dogs, where itā€™s just a series of quick time events to win the game. Outside of those, Iā€™d probably go with the Titan Joker fight from Arkham Asylum


Yeah the brickster was a pretty hard boss fight.

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That fight was so hard!


The Star Child in Mass Effect 3. >u>

Could you even really consider that a boss battle? You never really fight himā€¦


you argueā€¦ sort of

Thats the problem, the worst Boss is the one that you cant win wright. in ME3 Star Child gets what he wants at the end, not you the player was trying to doā€¦being free from the Reaper threat, influence and Fate handling.

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Any huge, laser-shooting, sheild-using, teleporting, robots in any MMORPG. If you have to fight gigantic robotsā€¦ RIP


Alduin from skyrim. It was a boring, quick fight, and it was a disappointment.

Games Iā€™ve played? The didact from Halo 4. As in it wasnā€™t even a fight. It was a quicktime event. It basically should of said ā€œpress X to defeat the Didact.ā€

Other games? Hard to say but some of the ultima games spring to mind. The third one had a demon leading hordes of monsters as the big badā€¦ which turned out to be a computer which you defeat by inserting punch cards. Seriously. Or the previous two where the villain tries to run away from you once you show up.


Hunters. Huge? Taller than you, check. Shield using? Check. Laser shooting? Got a big scary laser on its friggin arm! Check! Teleporting robots? Go play Halo 4.


The Iblis Worm from Sonic 06 was horrific, mainly because of how the boss just drags on and on as you wait for the right moment to strike him.

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revivin yeah

Demyx from kingdom hearts 2

F that guy

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Tabuu from Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Lazarevic from Uncharted 2
David from The Last of Us

There may be more Iā€™m not thinking of at the momentā€¦

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I would say Shinnok from Mortal Kombat X.
Because he keeps spamming his lasers.