Lego Star Wars Constraction Figures Discussion

I think it’s been said before that those are weapons she has been seen with in the trailer.[quote=“ThatchMac, post:548, topic:6922”]
On one hand they look and feel more like action figures, and on the other the look and feel less like constraction figures.

I think they kind of blur the line, but in a good way; the constructing of a constraction figure, but when you finish, it looks like an action figure.

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IMO it looks really nice, not the head tho, but I like everything else, the new shells on the upper legs make it look like she actually has pants on, instead of having a weird armor, if only the upper bones were black instead of that grey

wish they had given her hair or atleast her hoodie,


I just got a fantastic idea that could work but will put a few folks off. What if Lego made Marvel constraction figures again and we got a Spider-Man with Jyn’s legs and torso. I think that would actually look pretty great. You could even print the waist/belt the red belt thing he wears and the thighs could be blue. Ah man image how cool that would look.

Probably change the lower legs though; not the Star Wars armor. Though assuming you meant the upper legs, yeah. I could see that working.

Or just make LEGO Batman Ultra build so we may finally have an excuse to have constraction in a LEGO movie…one can dream.

so do we have any info of the other 3 constraction figures and when they are coming out?

oh man…

I want him right now…


Oh yeah, here: Lego Star Wars Constraction Figures Discussion - #475 by ComradeWolfie

And they are coming out in January.

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We’ll see if there’s any left by the time I get him XD

Star Wars Constraction figures I want.

  • Imperial Storm Trooper
  • Boba Fett
  • Snow Troopers
  • Normal Clone Trooper
  • Han Solo
  • Chewbacca

Theirs so much detail on the head that Lego made little grebe under it.


The first constraction figure to have a play function? IT’S NOT EVEN THE FIRST TIME WE’VE HAD THAT FUNCTION. Sorry for my fanboy rage.


That’ll be hard with him being so hairy…:stuck_out_tongue:

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oh my god, I need k2so right now.

Dang, Jang’s review makes me really want this set. Some of the new recolours look sweeeeeeeet…


so that’s how it’s built


the build is like
way too basic and uninteresting

i’ll definitely get K-2SO thought

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I meant the thing on his chest I didn’t know those things were actual pieces, I thought the pockets came with that cape thingy

Well when you see this compared to K-2SO, I just looks boring. Like looking at Obi Wan Kanobi or Luke Skywalker after Darth Vader or General Grievous

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Wow, that looks…worse then I expected…probably not gonna get it…

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yeah… I was hyped to buy it, but then I saw that video and I was like: meh