LEGO World Builder

That…wow. That’s a take.


Then this is either bait or you’re genuinely that blindly-pessimistic, since no corporation likes losing money in Real Capitalist Hours™.

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No… just, no.

If you really think they didn’t want it to do well, despite the money They put into it, what reason would you give for why they even did it in the first place? Do you think they set G2 up to fail so that Bionicle fans would just leave or something?


if they wanted it to seriously succeed they would’ve pumped more into it
evidently lego wanted nexo knights to take off more than le geetwo

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it’s almost like, they don’t care, ninjago made more money so cripple bionicle for it.

obviously they didn’t care as much as for ninjago.

to replace hero factory as the constraction line, which was in steady decline for years, I think the suits were happy to kill that branch and refocus solely on system for their big themes.


keep in mind hero factory never outsold 2009 lol


Gee, it’s almost like something had happened immediately prior that messed with their plans and budget. Say, a decision they had to reverse regarding another theme. Hm…what could that possibly have been…

When rectifying a mistake, they had to reallocate their budget from somewhere. G2 being the experiment that it was, it was the most expendable option.

If constraction was in decline and Lego wanted it to just die off, why would they add to it?


Looks like we have a Pessimistic Twin Brother Duo right here…

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Wait a minute…



My god…it’s all coming together…G3 confirmed!

Oh and, uh…this is getting out of hand, now there are two of them, I guess.


Nah. They pumped a fair amount into it outside of straight marketing. They had the short animations, the Netflix series, all new parts and stuff specifically for G2, books, graphic novels. They pretty much flopped because they were hoping G1 fans would just buy it and be free marketing cause Bionicle instead of more marketing like it used to get. That failed when G2 failed to capture old fans, despite the sets honestly being really solid, at least imo.


so why would they do that AGAIN?

they made g2, immediately took out its kneecaps for ninjago, because they had no faith in it, then it crashed and burned so hard it didn’t even get 3 years.


It wasn’t just that they had no faith. By most reports, People didn’t want to buy the G2 sets even before Lego made that call.

Edit: i hate when it doesn’t post the quote. I thought it was there


Because it’s clear WHY it failed the first time–it didn’t have the promotional tools it needed. Bionicle was successful in the past, it can be again; that’s why G2 was ever considered. But with Ninjago having leeched G2 due to emergency reallocation of funds, it lost what it needed to succeed on its own. On top of this, there were a lot of factors that failed to rope in both existing fans and potential new ones, such as the business model and the crappy story.

With this hindsight and no Ninjago re-vitalizations needed, it’s clearer now how to go about rebooting Bionicle and doing it right; and it’s easier to go about that with fewer obstacles in the way. Maybe it does need to be a System line to succeed, who knows–but it should be obvious that a lot of G2’s shortcomings were because of genuine failures that can be avoided on round 2, not because Bionicle can never succeed. I mean, franchises like Transformers are still going despite being action-adventure lines based around toys and tie-in cartoons, so it can’t just be that Bionicle is incompatible with the modern zeitgeist.


Yes guys, Lego clearly doesn’t care about bionicle at all. That’s why they brought it back, which has only ever happened with it and (arguably) Ninjago.


Lego gives us a new, interesting website where the sky (and not being a third party license) is the limit, and y’all start a flamewar over Bionicle.

This is just kinda sad, really.


honestly yeah

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That includes you, genius


no way

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Maybe they saw that the fans didn’t have faith in it, so when it came to the objective number side of the thing, it should be a stupid move to cancel any other lines, and since we are talking about a company, you can’t really blame them to cancel Bionicle (because you say Lego didn’t want to care about Bionicle, not that the couldn’t care about it because other factors).
Also take in consideration that this very same company was once at the edge of bankrupcy, so it is very understandable from them to not take any major risks. (Because serving the non-existing fans (Bionicle) while leaving the crowds of fans (Ninjago and System Lego) “hungry” is a risky move)

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