Lugar de Morte - Superhero RP (Signups and Discussion)

MOL… Mask Of Light??

yes the og bionicle fans are back at it again


Apologies for my tardiness, been busy working on my MOC League entry.


Can’t wait to see it.


I know it’s a double post, but it’s an RP topic and has nothing to do with my previous post, so I think it’s ok?

Decided to do another quick one of these, this time Wen. His face looks pretty bad, but I’ll just chalk that up to a car crash and radiation. His arms/coat are also a lil short, but it think it’s fine enough.


Which person are we waiting to respond next? Or just paused due to holidays?

holidays and swamped with other things. I’ll get the next post out today if I can.

also @cordax where are you


Does he have any luck finding these?

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whoops, didn’t see that part


man I have really got to stop falling asleep on this.

I hope you’re ready for murder wink heart blush giggle


Name: Violet Carla - case file ‘Miss Perfect’ (she doesn’t like this title)
Gender: Female
Powers: Success at any task.
Power Explanation: Violet can take any task to the highest level of mastery it can reach to complete it as thoroughly and professionally as possible, although the specifics behind this are complicated. The task has to be something which keeps her body in consistent motion, such as jumping over a gap or repeatedly punching an object.
Appearance: Quite under six feet, athletic build and ruddy face, with dark hair cut above the shoulders which springs up on its own, dyed purple on the tips. Generally wears all black and adds a light application of makeup.
Personality/Bio: The day Violet was born, an explosion struck the hospital she was delivered at, killing all present staff as well as her parents. Three years later, an amnesiac little girl suddenly appeared on the streets, with no name or inkling of the past. She was taken in at the closest orphanage, never being adopted until her teen years, when one of the staff members finally introduced her to the Carla family.
Her college years went from being incredibly average to suddenly astounding, when at the age of 20 she suddenly found every test and task to be the simplest of ease. She took up gymnastics as well, proving impossibly gifted at the sport, and her education ended with her at the top of her class. The day after her graduation, however, she disappeared, whisked away to Mansão Enganoso in the dead of night, and there she would stay for the next few years.

Violet is feisty, rebellious, and authoritative, trying frequently to prove her superiority to Huber but failing to overcome a simple game of chess. She is determined, however, and will likely never stop trying.

Name: Reginald Smyth - case file ‘Repeater’
Gender: Male
Powers: Perfectly replicate any object, living or otherwise, with 100% accuracy.
Power Explanation: Reginald can change the basic construction of the atoms in the air to reproduce any single thing he can perceive, although maintaining it existing requires some amount of effort, and the more objects exist the more effort it takes to keep them all there. He can also replicate any living thing down to its thoughts and intent, but not the individual - for a person duplicated, it’s as if they’re seeing the world from two different pairs of eyes, and it takes a long time for that to become comfortable.
Appearance: Reginald is tall and gaunt, the tallest person on Mansão Enganoso. His hands are somewhat oversized, and his eyes are frighteningly sunk inside his sockets, dark rings surrounding them. His hair is rather long and mostly stands straight up, adding even further to his height.
Personality/Bio: Reginald has no confirmed origin on record. No known family, no personal effects, and no clue in the world who he even is. Even his hair is a complete mystery, even to him, as it refuses to obey the laws of physics. All that is known about Reginald is that he was found in the frozen wastes of Canada, far beyond any trace of civilization, and he had duplicated himself 4,800 times, with all his duplicates hiding in a cave with him. As each duplicate possessed his abilities, the whole group had systematically replicated each other.

When the Canadian government intervened, the group of Reginalds was knocked out and subsequently disappeared, save the original. He was interviewed questioned, interrogated, and everything short of torture was used to get him to recall anything. A collection of military dog tags was found mashed together in his pocket, with the only legible name being ‘Reginald’.

He is quiet, awkward, and strong-willed, with a compassionate attitude and an accommodating disposition. He tries his hardest to keep everything as friendly as it can possibly be. He has a weakness for food of all kinds, especially greasy foods.

Name: Galeti
Gender: Male
Powers: Galeti’s body can turn into smoke, dissipate almost entirely, and reform in an instant. This also extends to his attire and anything he is holding.
Power Explanation: Galeti’s form is naturally a cloud of smoke, which can move through the air all on its own. However, by focusing the molecules of his body together, he can take his physical form, which is solid enough to perform how any body normally would. It does take a subconscious effort to maintain, however, and loss of consciousness will result in him slowly floating apart. Given his nature, he does not need food or water to survive.
Appearance: Galeti is either 10 or 11, his answer changing depending on the day. He is average height for his age, and his features are fairly obscured in his pitch-black skin, which does not reflect light. His skin also emanates black smoke at all times, which dissipates soon after leaving his skin. His clothes are the same as they were from the time of the accident - a simple hoodie with the sleeves pushed up and denim shorts with rubber sneakers.
Personality/Bio: Galeti was born on long island to his immigrant parents, both hailing from Lithuania. He retained very little of the Lithuanian accent or lifestyle, blending seamlessly into the rest of America and thriving in the rich environment. However, his happy existence would come to a quick and uncomfortable halt as the school he was attending was bombed and collapsed on top of him.

His parents walked around the school in spite of the presence of police and firefighters, calling for their son, who eventually walked out of the rubble in the smoky form he attains now. Seeking to avoid publicity, the family rushed to their home and kept him in secret, much to the immense annoyance of Galeti, who was extremely social and troublemaking. In spite of their efforts, however, word did eventually sneak its way out, but was throttled and suppressed by the government, who immediately sent Mansão Enganoso’s capable diplomats to intervene.

Now having spent five years at Mansão Enganoso, Galeti has not aged a day since his arrival. He is allowed frequent calls and other forms of interaction with his parents, and this keeps him from feeling lonely, although it reassures his more troublesome patterns of behavior, most notably finding subtle ways to defy the rules and go wherever he chooses. Thanks to his extensive time there, he has a casual relationship with just about everyone on the island.


Not if I can help it.



Should I make a post having Lucius doing something else, assuming his room is like the others?

@ProfSrlojohn If you’re still alive, want our characters to try doing something?


If you want to, sure


I’m not late, I’m fashionable.


@DuneToa @Chronicler @ajtazt @Ghid @TheMOCingbird @Cordax @ProfSrlojohn
Hey, i wanted to make some garbage sfm art for this rp, but i has no idea what kind of scene it should be.

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so… what happened to this rp?

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It died…