Machine Wars - Escape from Cybertron

“Long story, involving becoming a combiner, a tentacle lady, and a turtle that is way too concerned about team appearances.”

Wow…” Forager reacts, raising his eyebrows.

“Seems like we’ve all had a heck of a… how long’s it been, anyway?”

“I rule these parts. In the collapse of civilization I’ve claimed this part of Iacon, hunting down every last worthless tin can that crawls it’s way through here.”
Razorclaw said, cracking open and getting the chip from the fourth and final tank drone.

“I think we all are from Iacon.” Drill Bit told her, gesturing to the group.

“So you’re now… like one of us… or what?” Terrormander asked from behind him. It would be a surprise for Scaleraker to see him still alive, after even Halfshell admitted his death.

“And why the slag didn’t you reacted when we were here fighting a bunch of Vehicons? Or when the ghost of frickin’ Starscream showed up?!” Beetle yelled from behind Forager.

“Sorta? It’s kinda complicated. I was brought on to replace you as a matter of fact. They thought you were dead. Even Halfshell. It’ll certainly make his day though. Heaven knows he could use some good news.”

“Oh… Rad…” he said, as inexpressive, yet bored, as ever. “How’re the guys?”

“Captured. Before you get upset or angry or what have you, wait until we get transwarp in a CR chamber, then Halfshell can help explain.”

“Oh…” he said, not even bothering to form a full sentence.
The hospital would now be in sight.

“My territory is a big. And I’m just one predator. Either what you’re talking about happened on one end of my land while I was on the other, or just happened outside of my borders.”
She then took off a self made necklace around her neck. With her claws she punched a small hole in each of the four chips, and added it to the collection. On that necklace hung dozens, upon, dozens, upon dozens of vehicon processor chips. Far more than what could be expected to be achieved by one individual.

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“I’m sorry.” He said, as the hospital revealed itself.

“And there she is. Welcome to our home away from home!”

“Wow! Can I have one too?” Drill Bit asked.

“No tie for jokes! Somebody help me take Transwarp off of Moley!” Manta said, taking the Predacon by his shoulders.

“Gotcha.” he said, lifting Transwarp. Scaleraker should be strong enough to pick up Transwarp by himself.

Halfshell was waiting them, still contemplating in the CR room.

Scaleraker opened the CR chamber, put Tranwarp in, and turned it on.

“Halfshell, I got a surprise for you.” Scaleraker said, gesturing to Terrormander

“You take a single chip off this cord and I’ll make sure to add one of yours to replace it.”
She said as she fastened the necklace back around her neck, admiring its newest additions.
“I’ve taken one of these from every clanker I’ve killed. And if you think for a second you can take any of these from me I will end you without hesitation.”
She spoke with a conviction that could be denied. She meant every word she said.
“Leave my trophies alone though, and we’ll get along just fine.”
Then she spoke with a much kinder tone. A surprising whiplash of attitude.

When Halfshell saw Terromander, who followed him inside, jumped off the chair and hugged his Seacon, his face full of joy.

“Cut the slag. If you are to come with us nobody kills anybody for anything.” Manta said as she entered the devastated hospital.

Scaleraker stepped back, and let the two have their moment.

“Like I said, leave my trophies alone and we’ll be fine.”
She said.
“Anyway, I guess I don’t got anything better to do, so I think I’ll tag along with… Whatever this is.”

“Wack…” Terrormander muttered as Halfshell put him down.
“You’re alive!”

“See that guy?” she asked, pointing to the unconscious Backstop in Slyther’s arms.

“I’ll leave you two to catch up.” Scaleraker said, ducking back out to see to the rest of the group.