Majestic League (RP topic)

The mercenary grinned. “My gun, however, is useful.” He pulled out a tranquilizer gun and shot a dart into Lucy.

“Anyways, before you interrupted me, I was Sadie has been working for me the entire time, providing inside information. She even told me your location.” The Gamemaster turned around, shouting “THE ABANDONED PRISON!” for the entire city to hear.

“I knew we shouldn’t have trusted her.” Runa growls at a volume only he could hear at the moment as he boosts to the side of Manpower and tries to hit him.

He stops before he fires, an idea popping into his head. Time for plan B. He thinks. He looks around and sees Mark, running towards him.

“Sadie, how could you…” Mark said, clenching his fists.

“Yeah, anybody could have found that out!” Lauren shouts back. “You just copied her homework because you were too lazy to do it yourself!”

Khan steps between Mark and Sadie. “Focus on the real enemy, Mark. You can confront Sadie later.” His sand rises from the crashed helicopter, hovering in a dense cloud above the Gamemaster’s head.

“I’m sorry. Please I had no choice.” She begged, acting like he didn’t know.

Project: Runa leaped over Khan and shot two lasers at Mark. It would appear they were aimed at his head and his heart, however would only really scrape his face and shoulder if he dodged to the side even a little bit.

It’ll be easier if they don’t know. Less liabilities to worry about. He thinks.

“That was just one example. I know many other things as well, such as Mark’s guilt for failing his paeents.” The Gamemaster said, grinning.
Mark really was genuinely upset. “All those things you said to me, was that even real?” He asked. “Of course not! She just lied to get closer with you!” The Gamemaster said before Sadie could respond. Mark was then struck by Runa’s lasers and hit the ground, appearing dead to everyone.

Sadie stepped back, wanting to try to kill the gamemaster though he could probably detonate her explosive if she did.

Lucy stumbles away and hides Oh shoot. I got shooted on. Time to use the big boy guns. She pushes a button and fired her gun again which shoots a quick amount of guns at an alarming speed.

Lauren’s eyes lock onto Runa. “Down boy.” She reaches out with her power, shutting down his tech.

Khan steps away from Runa and Mark, bringing his sandstorm down upon the Gamemaster.

then he slams the GM with a giant iceberg from above

Runa landed, his mask hiding his look of shock. S**t! He thinks. He was supposed to dodge! How am I supposed to explain this when this is all over?!

Despite this, his mask portrayed a stone cold face as he got up and turned, facing Khan and Sadie, left arm up to guard and right aiming out to fire. “Who’s next?” He asked, aiming towards Khan especially. He fired one shot at him in a way to where it was easy to dodge, but still looked like a serious threat.

Then he sees Lauren as she shuts him down. Well that’s a setback. He runs towards her, his arms locked up and the joint between his lower legs and feet moving at the speed of molasses. He runs up and hits her, body acting as if it was a hard punch through his half-numbness, but purposefully being light. His head was now next to hers. “Just play along.” He whispers.

Edited for language- Prentice1215

Khan easily sidesteps the blast, confused that Runa would try and shoot at him, let alone with such a poor attempt. He returns his attention to the Gamemaster, trusting Link to deal with the mechanical threat.

Lauren moves slightly. “Ahh, you punched me,” she whispers. “Shall I punch you back?”

He nods. “Make it look like a real fight, I have a plan.” He whispers as he goes in for a sidekick.

By now, the tranquilizer had well made its way into Lucy’s system, and she was becoming very sleepy. So sleepy, she could barely see or stand.
The Gamemaster looked up just in time to see the sandstorm and iceberg being brought down on him. He quickly morphed his arm into a laser Cannon , melting the sand into glass and turning the iceberg into a snow flurry. “I already know your little tricks by now, CoI.” He said, shaking his head in disapproval.
“-And don’t think I didn’t see you with Mark.” Said the Gamemaster to Sadie, grinning. “You know what they say…” He pulled a detonator from his coat. “Snitches get stitches.”

“Please. I’ll join you.” Sadie begged, not even caring anymore about the heros.

She snickers. “Sorry, I fight dirty.” She ducks under the kick and gives Runa a nudge, aiming to knock the paralyzed rogue off-balance.

Khan strides towards where the Gamemaster is perched. He’s going to get up there… somehow.

“So do I.” He growls as he rolls up somewhat awkwardly, considering his current state. He rushes in at her, Bladearm still being out, since it was just a retractable blade he could attach to his arm, and needed no power to stay armed. He feigns a round punch to her side.

The Gamemaster stroked the chin of his mask for a moment. “Well, actually, i think there might still be something you can be useful for…” He fired his grappling hook towards Sadie, pulling her towards him. With that, he teleportation himself and his team back to the lair.
The now barely conscious Lucy, along with the Mercanary that tranquilized her, we’re also teleportation to the lair.
Mark opened one eye and, seeing that the coast was clear, stood up, his wounds healing. “Go ahead, say ‘I told you so’.” Mark said in defeat.

“Wait!” Runa yelled up to him before he did, turning heel and running towards them. “I’m ready to join the winning side.” He follows up.