Making Custom LEGO Video Games Covers For YOU!

There have been tons of LEGO themes, but very few actually got their own video game. I have recently started makeing Fan-Made Custom Video Games, but I kind of lack of Ideas now. Reson why I create this topic? To hear your Ideas! If you have a theme, or a subtheme you wished ever got a video game, write it down below, And I will try to make it, in the same Way I did my prievous Artworks. Don’t just sit there! I want to make your ideas alive!

(Post any ideas in commnets, and I will do my best to make it)

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Power miners


What you making them in? How do you plan to make so many games? And how do you expect them to be of any quality if you do plan to make so many?

This is coming from a guy who’s spent the last four days dying creating a game in ue4 that’s come out buggy as all heck. To try to replicate a lego-style game would be hellish, especially if you’re on your own.


Changed Title to more accurately describe the nature of the request topic -L


Cheers bb

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I’ve always wanted a HeroFactory game that spread across every year… It’d be hard to make a cover with a reference to most, of not all, .0’s, but it’d be cool.

A transformers Lego game! even tho lego never did anything transformers.

A BIONICLE MMO on Okoto, where the new hero of the world is [insert your OC Okotan here]!

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Can you make a Lego Nesquick video game cover?



LEGO Clikits for the 3DS

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We need a Power Miners game.


Ok, I am goin to do that,

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I don’t know what this game could be about , but here is your request:

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For ToaOfForests and Mr.Monopoly:

Here is your request for the Power Miners Game. This one was pretty hard to make, because of the lack of Wallpapers Power Miners had. But I am ok with how it turned out. Do you like it?


@ToaNoah_Wafflemeister, my brother already did that long ago, here is a link if you mist it: LEGO Hero Factory: The Videogame. Even though the cover is from rise of the rookies, it represents HF as a whole pretty well.

@Runa, I already did that. Here is a link if you mist it: Bionicle: Okoto Legends Fan Video Game

Thanks to anybody which has commneted and requested a game! Don’t be ashamed to request your ideas, I will shorely make them. More Ideas if you have!

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page isn’t available anymore


but seriously please make a video game cover for znap please


It’d be cool to see a Roboriders game cover, in the style of big racing games!

Ok, sure. I wil do it as soon as I have time.

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27 days later