Everyone, I present to you one of my favorite creations of my brother: Makuta Tagah!
This is Tagah fighting a dark hunter my brother made. Pretty cool, pretty cool.
I’d like to showcase something Stormjay Rider made for me. A posterized version of Tagah, using his mask of shadows. I appreciate it, Stormjay!
So yeah. That was Makuta Tagah! Tell me what you thought of him, and critique my brother’s work!
Don’t complain about his staff, though. I made that.
History: In the core BIONICLE universe, Tagah was a mighty warrior among the Makuta that was loyal to Teridax. He battled many Dark Hunters and grew to be an honor figure in the brotherhood. However, during the Makuta-Barraki war, Tagah was murdered by Pridak when imprisoned, and has since then been viewed as a martyr for the Makuta.
And here is Furtaan.
Mask: Great Avsa, the Mask of Hunger
Assigned Location: Unknown. Very little is known about his past.
Status: Deceased
History: Furtaan was a Makuta that was entirely loyal to Miserix during the beginning days of the brotherhood. He didn’t trust Teridax and held high regard to Mata Nui, despite not being appreciated for what he did. So when Teridax proposed his plan, he sided with Miserix, until he saw that him and Miserix were outnumbered. Then he decided to side with Teridax.
Afterwords Furtaan was found murdered on the island of the Keetongu. Some Makuta tried to investigate, but Teridax forcibly stopped the investigation.