Marendar, the Salvation (GHIDONICLE Fanon Contest #2)

Hello everyone! Since the TTV canon contests are no more, I want to share the last of my potential contest entries with you all.
This is my version of Marendar:

I built this in summer of 2021, but decided not to share it anywhere because of my agreement with @Geetonguga to keep our Marendar contest entries secret from each other until the contest starts. Well, obviously this agreement isn’t viable anymore, so here I am presenting this MOC to you! The pictures of the MOC were taken the same summer.

If you’ve been on this site for long enough, this Marendar might look familiar to you. This is because I based this MOC off of a pretty old drawing of mine (can you imagine? It’s not digital!)
If you want to find out more about my design process for this MOC, just read that drawing topic, I said pretty much everything there.


Some clearer pictures:

Break down, break down!

Well, that’s pretty much it. Surprisingly, I don’t have that many things to say about this MOC, so no unreasonably big text blobs this time.
Thanks for viewing, tell me what you think about the MOC!


very cool - this definitely fits marendar and looks scary
nice job


Ooh now this is good. I like it - it’s creepy but still heroic enough to be labeled “salvation”. Very nice job


actually amazing and accurate.


I like it but it’s kinda hard to see on that impressive background- speaking of which, very good photography here! very accurate to the “concept art” as well!


@Rhyla416 @Rukah @KitharaTheRider @Enbeanie thank you all very much!

Updated the topic to feature some clearer pictures.

Thank you! I’m really proud of how these pictures turned out. My favourite one is probably the second, I really like how the lighting and the composition turned out


Ooo! I like how Devastatingly Simple and Menacing it is. Great background work too!


really liked when the original drawing was released and you’ve been able to replicate it pretty well, good job


Does the gear function on the back work?


Really awesome torso design! Mind if I borrow inspiration from it?

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Now this is an impressive Marendar! I really love the skull-like head!

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The cohesiveness of the design is exactly why I draw my characters first before building them.and totally not because I lack the parts to build then at all

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@Barafu @DuneToa @Eilrach thank you all!

This phrase sums up the MOC’s theme so perfectly, I love it!

Thank you! I most certainly don’t mind. Although, if you end up sharing it, I would appreciate if you mentioned me.
Happy building!

@KanohiReqi thanks a lot!

Oh, this happened to me so many times! Sometimes I draw concept art for a future MOC just to realise that I basically don’t have any of the pieces I need to recreate it :laughing:

Nah, unfortunately it’s fake. There was no way I could include a working gear function in that upper torso with its crazy geometry.
Although, there is technically a gear function in the lower body. You can swivel the legs by rotating the “abdominal pistons”. It’s there mainly to add friction to the legs, but hey it’s something


It really reminds me a villian from certain french cartoon, Wakfu or smt like that.



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Can you please post the internals of this moc. I’m trying to make this beast of a marendar moc

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Huh, you aren’t the first one to notice that! This was actually completely unintentional as I had known nothing about this show when I built the MOC, but now I can certainly see the similarities with that Nox character.

That actually reminds me of something: I never really wrote about the inspirations for my Marendar MOC, so I’ll finally do it here.
There are quite many: some Angels from Evangelion, some Star Wars battle droid designs, Terminator, a Stand from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures, old gas masks and the obligatory Sentinels from X-men. Oh and there is a reference to old Bionicle prototypes.

Oh, this sounds awesome! I’m glad that you like my Marendar MOC so much!

I’m planning on taking some breakdown pictures of this and some of my other contest-related MOCs pretty soon. I’ll tag you when I post them.

If you end up recreating it, I’ll be quite interested to see some pictures!


I like the way the ankles are stabilized. Very smart.

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that was initially the plan with mine but it just ended up not happening

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Hey there, NotAHFfan! You see, there’s this really cool contest going on right now (that allows pre-existing Mocs, by the way) that I think you would ABSOLUTELY enjoy!

i would really appreciate it if you entered