Matoran and Turaga Revamps

A while ago I made some Matoran and Turaga builds but never quite got around to showcasing them, mostly because I didn’t have the motivation to do all that rendering. But now that Flash is gone, I’d like to do a little tribute to MNOG (and add to my Toa collection) by showing revamps of all the characters that brought the world to life.

Turaga of Mata Nui

I used mostly the same build throughout, except with some minor differences based on the original sets. I also coloured their robes as a little nod to their origins as the Toa Metru.

Turaga Dume

Pretty much same as above. Since his staff was never released in set form, I decided to make one based on his movie design.


Starting off with the most iconic groups of Matoran, the Chronicler’s Company and the six who would later become the Toa Inika. This build is a revamp of the 2003 build and as such all Matoran resemble their forms from that year.

Other Matoran

As per the standard of my MOC’s, both the Matoran and Turaga have gear functions

Parts Used:
The Biopack (Credit: SwampKryakwa, Lehvak Nuva)
The Galvapack (Credit: Galva, VootCaboot)


Very nice!


That’s NICE!
I love especially DUME! :blush: :blush: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Pretty good, But Dume’s staff is something else.

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