A few weeks back I posted my MOCs of the Chronicler’s Company as Toa, which then led to me to make a revamp of Hewkii to go with Macku. What started as a lame “love is canon” joke ended with me making all the Toa Nuva and Mahri in my own style, plus some others to go along with them. Yes, I am aware that it’s just the same 2 builds 18 times with some variation (I can make other MOC designs, I promise!)
Toa Nuva:
For the Nuva, I tried to remain as true to their 2002 forms as possible, while retaining some features from the Phantoka/Mistika sets, though I’ll admit I got a bit lazy with the weapon design.
Toa Mahri
Well, Toa Mahri +1. Given that Takanuva transformed not long before the Inika, was pretty friendly with the others as Matoran, and is the right colour to fill the gap left by Matoro, I figured I’d put him here. I also decided to give them weapons similar to what they used in their sets, but I made them look more elemental.
Toa Spherus
As you can see, I’ve changed the Toa Spherus up quite a bit since my last post, based on feedback. Macku and Tamaru remain pretty much unchanged, Hafu’s hammer isn’t quite so huge, Kopeke and Kapura have different torso variations so that we don’t have 3 Toa with an identical torso design, and Taipu’s been reworked completely, to the point of having a different weapon so he doesn’t look too much like Onua.
Other Toa
In addition to the main teams, I’ve got a few more Toa shown below.
Krakua and Helryx, scaled and given gear functions to match the others
For the sake of the upcoming canon contest, I’ve left the Toa Hagah with their Metru builds.
And that’s it for Toa. I’ve got some Matoran and Turaga as well, which I’ll post sometime in the future. If anyone’s got any feedback, let me know.
EDIT: Whoops, forgot to add credit for the parts packs:
The Biopack (SwampKryakwa, Lehvak Nuva)
Custom Parts Packs (VootCaboot, KhingK, Galva)