I’ve had this one on the backburner for a while now but never got around to posting. However, after the hot mess that was my Toa Metru revamps, I thought I’d post something (hopefully) better to redeem myself. So here’s Myrrhok, a Makuta and an important character in the backstories of several of my Dark Hunter MOC’s.
Myrrhok was the Makuta assigned to the island best known as the home of Toa Lesovikk, and was responsible for driving the island’s Turaga mad, causing him to ship the Matoran off to Karzahni. After Teridax revealed his plan, Myrrhok was one of the first to side with him, and was later tasked with decimating the population of the locations overseen by the Makuta who were opposed.
Myrrhok had his own team of Toa Hagah, all of whom were corrupted by his Mask of Charisma. In addition, he had created several species of Rahi, including a sapient insectoid species made to serve as hive queens, the most notable being the future Dark Hunter Myrmiga.
While a skilled manipulator, Myrrhok was less proficient in combat than most Makuta. He carried four toxic blades but rarely used them, instead preferring to cloud his opponent’s mind with fear, anger or confusion, then using poison to finish them off.
He would eventually meet his end at the hands of Marono, a survivor of his genocides. Despite his advantage in size and power, Myrrhok was no match for Marono’s sheer speed and skill. With his armour torn to shreds, his Antidermis had nowhere to go, and eventually dissipated. Marono gained somewhat of a reputation as a Makuta-killer, and was recruited into the Dark Hunters as a result.
Myrrhok has a gear function operated by a lever on his back, causing each row of arms to move in opposite directions. He can also store a Kraata in his torso.
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Height comparison with Tahu (my usual point of reference) and Brutaka, who is roughly the same height.
Biopack by SwampKryakwa & Lehvak Nuva
Colorpack by SwampKryakwa
Custom Parts by Galva & VootCaboot
Backgrounds by Vahkiti