Here’s a MOC which isn’t an existing character and doesn’t look the same as all my other creations. Marono, a Toa-sized Dark Hunter with a Samurai-inspired design. And before anyone asks, I am aware of the resemblance to Embo from The Clone Wars.
Marono is one of six Dark Hunters (I’m still making the others) hired by Velika to help take down any threats to his rule while getting him closer to the Shadowed One. He’s cold and stoic, preferring to work alone; it’s for this reason he was chosen for the job for The Shadowed One’s amusement.
Turning the gear on his back allows his upper torso to rotate 360 degrees while his head remains still. This was done by using a turntable piece. The build also features a locking mechanism which can just be flipped down when not in use.
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This MOC doesn’t use any custom parts. However, some parts will need to be painted, but only a handful. In case anyone wants to build this MOC but can’t find the right colour paint, any of the red and silver pieces are available in Mata red and flat silver respectively.
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Note: uses the Biopack (credit: SwampKryakwa and Lehvak Nuva) which can be found here.