It’s been quite some time since I’ve posted any creations here, the reason for that being I’d been going through a bit of a MOCist’s block. Now that I’m out of that, here’s Akulax, an aquatic Dark Hunter with a swimming function, and the second of my series of Dark Hunter MOC’s. (here is the first)
Originally a soldier in Ehlek’s army, Akulax joined the Dark Hunters after the dissolution of the League of Six Kingdoms. Upon the reformation of Spherus Magna, he was hired by Velika, alongside five other hunters, to take down any threats to his rule. Akulax was chosen for the mission due to the amount of Toa of Water on the list, including particularly powerful targets like Tuyet and Gali. He is highly impulsive and reckless, but willing to work with other hunters so long as they don’t get in his way.
Akulax’s function works by pulling his tail, causing his arms and legs to move in a “swimming” motion. The arms and legs are connected by a set of gears and liftarms to allow them to move simultaneously.
Awesome MOC! Bio is nice, but what is really cool is idea with Velika hirink Dark Hunters. Head design is most outstanding. Function is neat, but I think it could make a real-life MOC unstable. The only thing I do not really like is weapon choice. Are those just blades, or stolen (still working) Bordakh Staffs? Also, by “a soldier in Ehlek’s army” do you mean he belongs to Ehlek’s spieces? If yes, he is really well captures some of Ehlek’s features. And all the differences could’ve been done by Pit Mutagen… He could’ve been a great set for 2010 if not the end of the Bionicle…
Maybe so, all the limb gears are attached to friction pins but I’ve yet to try it out.
Weapon design was never really my strong point, I thought those pieces were the right shape to work with the swimming function.
I never really thought about that, I guess he could be from the same species. As for the pit mutagen, if that were the case the mutations would probably have been reversed unless he did what Vican did and chose to keep them.
Thanks, as a matter of fact he and the rest of my Dark Hunters are kinda meant as a villain wave to go alongside my Toa wave as sort of my own take on a continuation, hence the whole Velika hiring Dark Hunters thing.