Mods To the 2016 Sets

Guys! 2016 sets finally arrived in my country, so at last I get the chance to show you my mod of Ketar’s function. I wanted to make it so that it can sting like actual scorpion. :grin:

The builid itself is simply a rotated Melum’s fuction. I’ve tried designing a more complex version of it before, but it turned out to be not working when it’s finally built.

But as you can see, it is still quite gappy. Maybe you guys might have an idea to make it even better. :smile:

PS. Ketar actually looks quite sleek this way.

I practically took the entire Melum’s gear function and slab it on Ketar’s back. So if you have Melum or Ikir, you should have all the parts needed.


How much additional parts did you use?

That is pretty cool, the only problem I see is that its swords are a bit too far from the head…

The only way I think you could solve this is to put another gear in front of the one connected to the tail and then put the sword gears on it.

But I honestly cannot tell you how to do this…

how does it looks from the sides

Just some “eh” mods I did for expermentation. Changed it back soon afterwords. I’m not really feeling Kopaka, but I have to say he’s fun to mess around with.

This isn’t a serious mod, but I’d thought I’d share anyway.


I would say that looks good, but then I would be lying, the star wars shin pieces don’t look good,

that’s my only problem with it, the rest looks good

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The wings are great. I love them, and it’s literally all I can focus on.

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That’s actually my favorite part. The shaping it gives the leg gives off a nice effect, very sleek and pointed. Only issue I had with it was the top and back portion, the solution probably required a custom limb and I did not feel like putting the effort into an ultimately temporary thing.

Added them for the Kopaka=Prowl thoughts I’ve been having lately, I put them in as placeholders for giant icicles but the white and grey grew on me.

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This is definitely one of my favorite revamps of Kopaka. It reminds me of the Gundam Figures a lot, in the way that it combines colors that don’t usually mesh well together, and make then work really well, and the overall aesthetic and weapon choice. I love how you combine attributes from all Kopaka’s, even the 2008 one! The legs are my favorite part, though. The SW Armor works really well. I definitely love the Manga Style you went for, as it works really well for Kopaka and Melum’s characters/


Here’s my modded version of 71306 Pohatu, Uniter of Stone. Now he’s got actual biceps!

You can see more of my modded 2016 sets on my Flickr.


The place where the arm connects to the shoulders looks like a pain to move around.

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No more tricky than on Kopaka, really. It’s more than sufficient.

Looks like you need to move the shoulder joint in order to move the arm upwards since the tan axel is hindering that movement.

This is really nice! The colors work really well, and he reminds me of his Journey to One Variant. I really like the shoulder build. It looks really effective while giving lots of articulation. The only thing I’d recommend is either a little more burnt orange, or dark tan.

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I’ve tried that but with an additional gear the function’s movement would be weird, at least for me anyway. Everything, the “pincers” and the tail, would go front and back together, kinda like a giant claw I think.

Sadly, I’ve already taken it apart, so I can’t show you the picture now. The general shape was the same, but the back was a bit gappy, as you can see from the close up picture of the body.

This is great! I’m going to try this now! Out of curiosity, how does he look with his gold mask? Because I find the OG Pohatu looks better with that on versus the burnt orange one, and I want to see how this one looks.

Also, I think I found a way to give the Toa more thickness without destroying the look or the Unity function. I’ve only done it with Tahu so far, so I don’t know if it will work with all Toa and all shoulder builds, but something similar could be done.

I don’t have pictures right now, but I’ll try to get them later. It basically involves moving the Unity piece one stud back, stabilizing the shoulders in their original place, and adding a ball joint beam on the lower back to add a torso plate.



Literally the fifth picture in my post :stuck_out_tongue:


in all fairness, he might have meant the 2015 gold mask…


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Not only that, but the function seems more… orderly.

(Still, I respect LEGO’s effort.)

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Here’s how I think I will mod UtD’s legs:

Basically gave him more height and articulation. The lowered Hordika neck allows for his leg to move farther forward, and the regular bone also allows this. I’d like to find a different way of making the upper legs longer, as they now look quite skinny.

By the way, there will be 2 technic lift arms, I just don’t own 2 at the moment.