Monochrome MOC Contest

I’m supposed to post this link here right?

I totally have a moc I could enter but I’d have to do a few color swaps. Hasn’t been posted prior and is close to complete.

I have a friend interested. We shall see if he enters in time.

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I’m in. I need to make a bl order by then but I’ll absolutely have it done.

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Question. Since black and white are technically the darkets and lightest shades/tints of a single color couldn’t we technically use one color then white and black? XP

I’m just trying to avoid part swapping tbh, the way it’s built is a total pain to rebuild.


What? black, white, grey, and silver are encouraged, but not required (they’ll affect your score).

He’s asking if we can make the photos black and white

Oh, then no

Actually no, I was saying by definition monochrome is black or white or shades/tints of a single color. And by the latter definition I could get away with having a color, in this case red. It was more a half serious question because parts swapping on that moc is certainly annoying but I’ll manage.

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Lets do it!


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My entry Shadow stalker(Monochrome Moc contest)

@Zero @King_Ved @BrokenAxels @Moonlight_Catfish @MaximusPrime yolo360nosescope @Calebmar12 @darkbrick999 @Toa_Distraxx @Square @Jayfa @Pak @Jack_Frost @Ketros @Saxton @RaptorTalon

Just an update, the deadline is coming up real soon: January 25th. If you want to enter a creation, make it by that deadline. Also, Please check the first post to make sure I’ve listed your entry.


I have the moc done. Its just that I never have the time to take pictures. When does it end again?

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see post above

Sorry. I won’t be able to get pictures in by then. I got grounded off of my phone. I’m only allowed to bring it to school for communication, and won’t get it back till the 12’th. And its the only camera I really have.

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My MOC for the has been up for a while. (Monochome MOC Contest) Onnuke the Torn - #5 by Axels

Mine will be up tomorrow or sunday.

i have posted pictures yet because im lazy and i had work
and stuff

I’ll post mine soon. I expect a ton of points reduced because I’m stubborn and like the color. XP
