Toa Phasus, wielder of the Phase Blade!
This weapon transforms the phase of matter of anything it touches or blasts, making it extremely dangerous.
Phasus is a mysterious Toa of Stone, who has made it his mission to find the whereabouts of Toa Sayyadina, who went missing from Metru Nuva after being accused of treason against the Toa and Matoran. He operates out of the headquarters of @WholesomeGadunka’s Ordimat 10, where he has been engaged in fighting Ice Skrall armed with strange ion weapons.
Name: Zork
Species: Toa i guess
Gender: Just a word male
Zorky here is rather tolerable. He’s a bit cowardly, and prides himself on “Always getting away with it”. whatever “It” is is unknown, maybe for good reason.
Crumpets is a wanted criminal whose broken out of a high security Bolivian prison, Waffles is super energetic and loves burning things, and Syrup does absolutely nothing and just lazes around eating popcorn.
Khaita, toa of air. Largely considered the most skill toa in combat, they primarily use their elemental powers to enhance their combat skills, such as using gusts of wind to speed up their blade. They’re typically grim and unfriendly, a warrior through and through, though they can have a good time with good friends. They prefer to work and fight alone, and they often go head on into hordes of enemies and being able to easily hold their own. Because of their incredibly quick movements and their tendency to fight armies alone, they are known as “The Whirlwind” by most matoran. While Khaita primarily wields a tornado blade and an arm-mounted element shield, they also have an elbow blade for blocking attacks, and also (not in the first image) a gust dagger, pictured here
This is Cordax, he’s a naive little matoran with an ego problem. He acts like a petulant child, but he doesn’t intend to harm anyone. His design philosophy is essentially a basic geometric shape that looks something like an evo helmet and a purple hoodie.
So I dug about in my ancient and very cringe posts, and I came across this unnamed tablescrap that makes me positively ill to look at. So that I can continue being positively ill for the rest of my life, here it is.
I also request to labelled as innocent as i didn’t know you were going to try and use a simple compliment on a drawing as furry “evidence” against me in this weird court case you seem to have started.