Happy to see this win. It’s a nice build, but still somewhat achievable (ignores the two DPG Vezon heads from Maxilos) and a nice integration of CCBS parts.
Oh yeah, and it’s actually sand green!
Happy to see this win. It’s a nice build, but still somewhat achievable (ignores the two DPG Vezon heads from Maxilos) and a nice integration of CCBS parts.
Oh yeah, and it’s actually sand green!
Congratulations, it must feel great to be the creator of a canon design!
Anyone who makes an exportable brick link wish list want to share?
Congratulations on the victory, and thank you for making CCBS parts now part of the official ‘Bionicle aesthetic’. This should open up many creative possibilities for the future. I look forward to drawing him, and designing his mask.
Congratulations on your win! I look forward to designing a mask of creation for it in the near future!
I’ve made one, but I’m not 100% sure how to share it. Is the .xml file you get from exporting it enough?
I believe so , are you able to post that file?
Just added it to the initial post. Let me know if it works!
For some reason when I try uploading it, it says file not supported, when you hit upload in the want list, it lists file types that are supported, not sure why it wouldnt support that
That’s what I was seeing. Hopefully the ‘share wanted list’ feature will be added to Bricklink soon.
Darn, looks like i’m gonna have to add everything one at a time
You can copy the text from the list, and paste it to the “Upload BrickLink XML format”
@Connor_Hoffman Even tho it wasn’t the way how I imagined Artakha, congratulations for the win, and thank you so much for the bricklink wanted list xml and the high quality instructions for the moc
Where do you go to upload the xml?
You open the file that he shared in the first post, copy the full text, then go to Bricklink -> Wanted list -> Upload -> “Upload BrickLink XML format” -> then you paste the full text there.
@Connor_Hoffman Regarding the colors of the parts on the different photos, there are Dark Gray and Red for some axle. However, on the Bricklink list, there is simply Dark Bluish Gray and Black. So I would like to know, what are the official colors of the MOC ? Thank you very much and a big congratulation !!
On the parts list and the Stud.io Model I tried to use as many consistent colors as I could. There where a few places where I could get away with using some red axles on the actual MOC, so I did. You’re welcome to do the same!
Congratulations on the win, @Connor_Hoffman!
This guy looks fantastic, really glad to see it win - congrats man! I just finished up with my bricklink orders so I can take a whack at building it myself.
I’m just a bit uncertain what to do about the mask - I’ve been looking around for a paint that matches the dark pearl grey in the model for a good 45 mins now, and at this point I figured it would make more sense to just go to the source.
Would you by any chance be willing to point me in the direction of the paint you used for the MoC here? (Also not quite sure about the material on shapeways: I assume white processed nylon plastic is fine, but I figured I’d ask before anything else just to be sure - this is my first time messing with custom parts.)
Thanks! I ordered the mask in ‘white premium versatile plastic’ and painted it metallic gray using Rust-Oleum spray paint that I found at Walmart just by matching a piece to the paint lids. I’d recommend getting the mask resin printed if your can, however I’m not 100% sure how to do that besides just getting a resin 3D printer, lol.
I know some people who have a resin 3D printer that can make it. The detail is definitely better on a resin 3D printer.