man, dunetoa has some weird hobbies
Man, who ever thought of eating prechewed bubblegum for breakfast?
man, mr.monopoly has some weird hobbies
Man, Rukah has some weird hobbies
glad to hear you’re still talking about me on the hsh
well played
What are you talking about officer, I’m perfectly sober.
plot twist it was non-canon the whole time
Now how do you think that makes DNA feel?
PS click to expand quote it’s totally not a llor kcir
psst, for people without access to that pm it doesn’t show the full thing
Monopoly, get out of the slave trade.
ah yes, the sequel to ‘“mmmmm” he said in pleasure’
Mmmm, he said in pleasure 2: Electric Boogaloo
argh not again
I think just by reshuffling a bunch of the quotes you could easily turn Rukah’s story into an extremely inappropriate bionicle fanfiction
i was thinking more or less the same thing