Piraka Revamps (The Gang's on the Loose)

Dear Lego. If you remake the Piraka can you hire this Man/Woman to do it?

Overall real groovy man. The upper legs are a bit weird to me, but it’s not that much of a problem.

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This is pretty neat.

Well, I can take him apart. Does that count?

I am a male human.


I almost forgot- If you do a Vezon revamp, could you also do revamps of Fenrak and Kardas? Or, at leased make him able to ride normal Kardas.
Seriously though, these guys are amazing! I love their individuality.

Zaktan… He’s gorgeous~!

Amazing! Zaktan and Avak are my favourites.

I haven’t planned, at least yet, on making Vezon. If I do, I will most likely do Fenrakk as well. Kardas is a definite no. If that were to happen, I’d want him to be enormous, not like the proportions in the set, but the height of the set would be one leg. That’s my personal opinion, I feel that the entire Kardas set is too small compared to Vezon. I don’t have the regular Kardas! (For the record, Reidak is the only Piraka set that I actually have)


I love how they’re looking! They look like more sophisticated Piraka, which I believe was the intent!

That’s wicked rad yo!
shhh i am bringing wicken and rad back

anyway these MOCS are great, i especially love Aavak
god why did lego ever base villains on gang members, what’s next skeletons!?

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Vezon and, of course, Zaktan, are my favorites.

Yo Yo, Piraka

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These are super cool.
The only one I don’t like as much is Avak, as his colors don’t really work here.
Awesome work.

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How’s Thok coming along?

I only need to get his ice gun. So close, and yet so far.

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Post the moc then edit it later

Hey! I know you from YouTube! I watched all your Piraka Revamp videos! Cool!

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These look pretty good, I like them, as specially Zaktann and Reidak.

Looks like The Tracer is on the loose once again.


As suggested by @Toaofdankmemes, I have a WIP picture of Thok.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Hate Mail?


one more to go and it will all be over.

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Adding more off-white pieces from the original Thok would be much appreciated. Also, more sky blue.

Looks great mate!