~Plorg 2.0~

We decide to go hunt and eat.

Unfortunately, our endeavor seems largely unsuccessful. You did try to hunt down a stag, but it was alerted as you went past the brush and stepped on some sticks. The deer outran you, and so you have lost your chance for that meal.

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Let’s ask the humans if they have anything to eat.

You know, I know there’s some people here who don’t like @N01InParticular’s constant food obsession, but it makes sense. Whatever the story will end up being, we’re still currently a carnivorous raptor. All raptors do is hunt and eat. This man kinda represents our basic instincts, y’know?


FINALLY! I was waiting for someone to catch on.

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Yes but we are now intelligent, so basic instinct has less import.


But it’s still a factor, no?
(also, i had figured out the instinct thing from the moment i first saw it. it’s just only now i mention it. :wink:)

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If we want to ask the good peoples for food, we might want to do them some favors in return, to cool any tensions with our presence among them.


Very well. We ask the humans for food.

Asking them for food sort of makes them uncomfortable. You are, after all, still a utahraptor. You have gained Bill’s trust, but the rest of the camp is not entirely convinced. Especially since you are an apex predator.

How shall we convince them?


I think the idea of offering favors more suited for our species than theirs might be a good idea.


Sounds good


“Salutations hoo-mans, I know things are a little tense, and me being what me isn’t exactly helping that, but listen, I can make it worth your while. What do ya say I help you fine folks in return for some chow? What would you like, info, patrols, hauling? Preferably not the last one, but I guess if that’s what it takes.”


You approach them with the offer of work, but they seem largely unconvinced.

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Is there any way we can gain their trust?

Sing a song.

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don’t forget to do a little dance. /s

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A little jig, in particular.

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What kind of buildings/locations make up the compound/village?

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A lot of it turns out to just be tents or mobile homes, for the most part.

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Perhaps we should ask Bill if there’s any way to be of assistance?

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Yes. We’re a growing Utah raptor who can stop time we need food

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