Beast Wars is an great show, with an amazing cast of characters. I know for a fact that there are a fair amount of Beast Wars fans on these boards. So I want to know. Who is your favorite character? And if you decide to vote, please explain your choice. And if you just want to talk about the show, check out this topic I made right here!
You think you have a hard time? This show was, no IS, my childhood. Its what got me into Transformers, which is quite a statement, seeing my collection has over a hundred figures. It was the first show I ever really got into. It is one of, if not my favorite cartoon of all time. Me choosing a favorite character form this show, would be like a dad choosing a favorite child. I just can’t bring myself to do it.
The current tally is 1 for Rhinox, 1 for Tarantulas, 1 for Dinobot II, one for Airazor, 1 for Inferno, 1 for Rattrap, 1 for rampage, 2 for Blackarachnia, 3 for Dinobot, 3 for Megatron, and… … … Nothing for Waspinator, Cheetor, Primal, or Tigertron? What the heck is up with that?
So the current scores are Primal, Silverbolt, Waspinator, Rhinox, Inferno, Rattrap, Airazor, and Tarantulas at 1. Dinobot II, Rampage, and Cheetor at 3. Blackarachnia, Dinobot, and Megatron at 3. And Terrorsaur, Scorponok, Tigatron, Tigerhawk, Quickstrike, and Batman Depth Charge at zero.
I never got to watch much of the show, but I think Dino-bot was probably the most interesting character. I don’t really know some of the characters here.