Pouks, Hagah of Stone

This MOC is sick!

But it will be DQ’ed because as far as I know, there isn’t a Metru torso or a Metru waist in this MOC…

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yeah, really good, but really non-compliant


Oh dear, poor sir. There’s no Metru torso, no metallic armor on his upper legs, there is metallic armor on his shins, and he’s undoubtedly taller than Iruini.

A wonderful, excellent MOC, but for all the above reasons, I fear this will be swiftly disqualified.


It’s like you intentionally tried to defy almost every rule in the book with this entry. :joy:

I still really like how he looks, a bit too Plague Mech-esque for my taste personally but I agree with the colors and the design’s all around pretty dope.


As Pouks: I can’t really see it, especially because it lacks a metru torso.
As a MOC: That is one sick looking robot assassin thing.

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Ah, I found it.

This is better than any other entry. If it gets DQ’d, that proves that the moderators only want their version of canon.

/s… Or am i?


This is a great looking moc but I don’t really see this as Pouks.

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Silvak mate, I follow you on other platforms; you’re a great moccist, but… Did you just not read the rules? Or are you trying to break every single one of them on purpose? xD


Yes. ⠀⠀


While this is quite impressive, it violates almost every rule, except for:

That being said, I genuinely like this MOC. And I agree with @cynic1987; this would be perfect for the Marendar contest!


Good as a MOC but bad as an entry. The metallic placement is everywhere, the metrutorso is missing, hes to big, idk is the staff is even a staff it looks like a fancy sword and there arent even breakdown pictures also the shield is held wrong and brown is barely there. the burnt orange shells arent even burnt orange but edited to look like they were, and to me they look more likr copper

I hope you really meant that sarcastic like you said. But if it gets DQ’d it will be due to defieing what Greg said being them being Metru builds first and the rest second.

But the moc is good, it fits your style, i like the pink eyes.

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Very good MOC, but breaks most of the rules.

I feel super bad agreeing that this can’t be canon let alone a valid entry.

This is officially my favorite interpretation of Pouks going around the community, but I’d bet on this design representing the Hagah Post-Reformation, wandering the world without duty. I see this Pouks variation standing alongside the likes of buttloaf_build’s Norik and brick_diamond’s Iruini.

You’re a flippin amazing builder, and don’t you dare let anyone in this contest tell you otherwise, even if you did intentionally break the rules to enter this :joy:


It’s certainly more interesting than anything else we’ve got


I mean, this would have my Marendar vote in a heartbeat!


Sure there are, just click the link at the bottom.


I clicked it already… those arent breakdown pictures

wdym, yes they are!


Ok then Edit: just checked and now its correct again. Probably some glitch. The breakdown pics are actually there sorry

Wait a second is this an actually good joke entry???