Salvation: Part II

Topside takes a step forward, intrigued.

What?” he says.

“Explain,” ■■■■■■■■■■■■ orders. One might notice a slight raise in his right eyebrow, in spite of himself.

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Daria looks at Sprocket,
“You made the discovery, so it’s yours to explain.”
She stands back as to let Sprocket take the stand,
“Though if they’re hard on you again, I’ll step in.”

“Vampire!” he shrieks. “Or… a zombie! It’s absorbing my Energon to live!” He took a few deep breaths and stared at it. Perhaps it’s some kind of worthiness-tester? Like, only a certain type of person can remove it?

Departing, Blight decides that he would return with someone else for some more help, memorizing its location.

“When i get the chance I’ll talk to the Captain about it.”

“Now that isn’t entirely true,” Sprocket objects. “You contributed too; it was a… a joint endeavor.”

■■■■■■■■■■■■ sighs.

“Long-lived though I may be, my time is still finite,” he says tersely. “Please endeavor not to waste it.”

Blight might do well to seek the aid of one who knew Salvation the best: the chief engineer, Greasemonkey.

The Savant’s AI nods.

“Good, good.”

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Unfortunately, due to Blight’s ignorance and lack of intelligence, he wanders aimlessly through the halls.

OOC: Sorry, forgot about this post, you know, existing…

Pixel, though thankful for the spotlight, remains in his form, replaying curious beeping sounds.


Daria chuckles,
“Short things short, we believe there’s a lost colony near here, though I don’t know all the logistics, He has a better understanding when it comes to that.”

Thrust studied him.
“Perhaps he’s shy, or upset.”

The beeping grew louder. It wasn’t a consistent sound, but rather varied in length, tone, and intensity unpredictably.

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Zepar tries to use the frequency to ping the entity’s location, if unsuccessful, he would still use it to try and contact her again.

“Y-yeah,” Sprocket continues. “You see, after the W-”

“I think I understand,” ■■■■■■■■■■■■ interrupts. “Fascinating, truly.”

“[I] Guess congratulations are in order,” Topside says. “You two just re-wrote the history books, I reckon.”

Zepar’s own communicator could not re-establish a link, unfortunately.

Daria nods, before looking at Sprocket,
“Hey let’s go over and write the detailed report. While they can go over what this means for us, we can go over all the logistics and put it in written form, something that the future generations can look at and appreciate.”
She turns away,
“Though it seems that the entire story isn’t as so useful as we’ve deemed it, but that report should be of help. Then again I don’t know how useful I’ll be for writing the report.”

“Hrm… This could be harder than we thought.”

“Actually,” Topside says, “it’s very helpful. We can start looking for settlements; if there really is civilization other than ourselves out here, they’ll likely be set up somewhere with an abundance of energon.”

“Yeah,” Sprocket realizes. “Yeah!”

“Well, like I said,” the AI says, “Salvation’s communications technology may be of help.”

“Yeah. I’ll head up and see what I can do.”

Gatecrasher left the Savant and flew back up to the Salvation. He landed, and made his way up to the bridge.

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Gatecrasher’s journey up to the bridge would be uneventful. On the bridge, the Decepticon would happen upon Daria and Sprocket speaking to the captains.

OOC: Who owns them?

Daria nods,
“Sorry for taking up your time”
to Sprocket,
“Hey, what do you say to helping me write the report?”

OOC: Daria us a character of Jcton. Sprocket is one of my guys.


“I think it might still be too early for that,” Sprocket cautions. “This is just a theory- a vert likely theory, but still a theory.”

Gatecrasher could likely overhear this part of the conversation.

“Sorry for intruding, nut I couldn’t help but overhear, whats still a theory?” gatecrasher asks.