Zepar transforms into his dragon form and rockets out of the fortress, making a beeline for the wreckage.
OOC: He’s going the wrong way to help Gronius, isn’t he?
Zepar transforms into his dragon form and rockets out of the fortress, making a beeline for the wreckage.
OOC: He’s going the wrong way to help Gronius, isn’t he?
The wreckage of the Knight cruiser was more than a day’s travel away. It wasn’t an impossible journey, but it would be a long one.
Yeah, he is.
Zepar tries to think if that was where Gronius would be, this would be a long flight if he didn’t find a shorter path.
From what Zepar knew, it was entirely possible that Gronius was at the shipwreck.
Zepar first flies around the valley he had bridged into, looking for some sign of Gronius.
Shadowraker, sensing her master’s anxiety, deploys to help with this airborne search.
Of Gronius, the two could find no sign. The mysterious figure they and the Splitter brothers had met had vanished, as well.
Zepar let out an enraged, furious roar, more bestial than any roar this Angelicon had ever vocalized. Violet flames flared from his maw as he growled and tried to get find some sort of signal from Gronius.
He begins flying farther and farther from the valley, angrily looking for any sign of Gronius.
For a brief moment, Zepar would be able to quickly message Gronius before the shroud drowned out the signal again.
OOC: Could he figure out where that signal was received (Basically, can he ping Gronius’s signal)?
IC: Zepar growls again, This jamming is understandable but still getting on my nerves! he thought.
The Wrecker looked around the place, resembling that of a laboratory and judging by the oval-shaped chamber it did look like one. He arched an eyebrow as he detected some remains of strange techno-organic foliage. “What on primus is this…” He muttered as he laid down and touched the techno-organic foliage.
King-Quan transformed into his alt-mode and hovered around the place, seeing if there was anything that may help his situation.
OOC: Yep.
The creepers remain inert; they had been like this for eons, Scorchlock could tell, dead from a lack of energon.
There was nothing else of note around the altar.
OOC: sweet!
IC: Zepar suddenly stops, he sees the signal he tried sending Gronius was received, he tries to orient himself to face the direction of this reception.
“Been dead for a long time…” Scorchlock remarked, noticing the lack of energy they had. “But I’ve never seen this stuff before.” He stood up and walked around the place, trying to find a button where it would potentially activate the lab. Most of the times they had some backup generator that would do as such.
Finding no answers on the altar he continued to fly straight forward.
Gronius, it turned out, was not at the shipwreck, but only a few tens of miles away, toward the north.
A few terminals were scattered about the lab, all inert and non-functional.
King-Quan would find himself arriving at the mountain where SideStep and ■■■■■■■■■■■■ were located.
Zepar immediately changed course and flew towards the north, Shadowraker stowing herself on the Angelicon as he turned to the north.
Zepar’s journey would go uninterrupted, and he would find himself at the ruined mountain vault in a matter of hours. A battered Gronius was sitting on the edge of a round landing pad.
Zepar lands, still in his dragon form, with a thud and positions himself over Gronius as he looks for the cause of his injured state.
Gronius looks up at Zepar. His injuries were minor, but numerous. Small cuts and burns blemished his armor.
Zepar engages his Medigauntlet to help Gronius heal.
“Thanks,” Gronius says, relaxing as the beam sealed his cuts and washed the scorch marks off his black and red metal.
“I wish I had something like that.”