Salvation: Part II

“So what? Opinion is the right of every living being. Without it we would be just mindless machines.”

“Yeah, but you can’t just shout an opinion without knowing the subject!”

“I am paralel with architecture, but I can say that I really don’t like that building down on Salvo’s street.”

OOC: What?

“true, but that’s an uneducated opinion, and doesn’t hold any weight! Especially if they don’t care about your opinion.”

Blight took a slow breath. “So, you changed your color. Neat.”

OOC: Like, he has nothing in common with architecture. He doesn’t know anything about architecture.

“Who cares? It’s my opinion. I can bring in some arguments, and proove why I think this way.”

OOC: i don’t think parallel is the word.

“So? So what? No one cares about my opinion anyway!”

OOC: It’s an expression. A way of speech.

“With such a attitude, no wonder.”

OOC: In Romania?

“I mean, why would they?”

OOC: I think I heard it here too

“Why would not?”

OOC: Not that I know of.

“I’m a nobody! Who want’s to know my opinions!?”

Gronius sighed and returned to his beer.

“anyway, I’ve got someone to see.”

And she placed her cup down. Tossed a couple Shanix on the bar, and left.

She would walk to the prison sector. (@Chromeharpoon)

Spectrum tilted her head.

“Yeah, whatever,” Blight frowns. “Look, my friend was just shot, so if you have any decency, please play your games with someone else.”

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Spectrum stood up straight.
“j-j-j-Ul1@na?” She inquired.

“Could’ve fooled me.” Epsilon growled as he approached Flyby angrily.

“I’m only gonna say this once: Your flying nearly tore the ship to pieces and sent us to a watery grave; that kind of flying is to be used as a last resort or I will do more than give you another earful for scaring and endangering everyone in this ship like that.” He said.

Zepar wondered silently where the Key presently was.

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“Because building a combiner isn’t as simple as swapping out an alt-mode, or installing any old modification,” ■■■■■■■■■■■■ says. “It took Shockwave’s genius and the best the Decepticon Empire could provide him to create the likes of Bruticus or the Titan Squadron. Though we are fortunate to have Shockwave among our ranks, we lack what the two of you would need to make your delusions a reality.”

What my counterpart means to say-” Topside begins.

What I mean to say, I have just said, as I meant to have it said,” ■■■■■■■■■■■■ interrupts.

“Alright, alright,” Flyby says absentmindedly. “Consider it taken into consideration. Now if you’d excuse me, guiding a flying city through re-entry is harder than it looks…”

“Come again?” the prison medic asks.

“What’s a delusion, in what I just said?” she asked, more serious than ever.

“Where am I?”

What my counterpart means to say,” Topside says again, more forcefully this time, “is that we don’t have what you’d need to get the job done. That presents a risk to any volunteers that I won’t accept, at the least. At the worst, it’s downright impossible.”

“Detention Ward Two, medical,” the prison medic recites.