Star Wars: Survival Over Illum (signups and discussion)

I’m a virgin too :stuck_out_tongue:

is a maymay

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oh okie lol

why are we talking about virginity in a sw rp tho?

no idea

If I make a Zabrak character, does it have to be Iridonian (Eeth Koth is one of these guys) or can they also be Dathomirian (Darth Maul and Savage Opress are Dathomirian)?

Don’t take this as word on what’s canon, but I’d allow dathomirian as long as it doesn’t mean he has like weird dathomirian powers or anything lol

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Don’t worry, the closest I would get to that is him being a bit more aggressive and prone to being tempted to use Dark Side powers a bit more than most others…which is normal for Zabrak.

Any ideas on names for a male Zabrak?

I’d say something leaning more towards the Eeth Koth side rather the Savage Oppress side xP

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Am I allowed to expand to everything Abyssin-related?


Okay, I think I’ve got things, mostly, figured out. Here goes:

Star Wars: Survival over Ilum RP Signup Sheet

Name: Ygdras (pronounced like the first part of Yggdrasil)

Gender: Male

Species: Zabrak (Dathomirian)

Age: 11

Weapons/Tools: (getting the obvious out of the way) lightsaber with, hopefully, a purple Crystal and blade. A hunting knife from Dathomir (no enchantments, just a sharp knife; it’s fairly old and barely usable, he mainly keeps it as a good luck charm) and (if we raid the armory) a blaster rifle. General use backpack (has his extra clothes)

Abilities/Capabilities: Semi-prone to tapping into the Dark Side of the Force. Aggressive in combat and has short bursts of Dark Side use in battle due to strong emotions. As a Zabrak, he has a higher than average pain tolerance.

Appearance: Red skin with green eyes and nubs around his head which are his horns starting to grow in (they give him headaches now and then that can give him a short temper). Muscular and somewhat taller than average build. Wears darker brown robes and a very dark brown cloak (was expecting to be going to Ilum and packed dark clothes because those are warmer) and has also packed standard robes.

Here’s a drawing I made ages ago of his face:

Personality/Bio: A bit of a temper. He’s smart but tends to fly by the seat of his pants and that sometimes gets him in trouble.

He’s had issues controlling his emotions and has been able to get a grip on them; however, he can slip up if he has a sudden ‘surge’ of emotion (usually fear or anger) and has lashed out with the Force, usually a strong push but has crushed objects as a way to try and vent. The latter was usually done in his chambers back at the Jedi temple on Coruscant with scrap or junk metal he had picked up in his free time.

These outbursts have caused him to be held back from going to Illum for a while now but he was finally allowed and plans to not leave without his Kyber Crystal.

Please let me know if there’s anything that needs ironing out.

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To what

The planet, solar system, species, language, etc.

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@EmperorDuckie, any thoughts you have on the signup sheet I posted?


Like I said, no lightsabers yet.

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So I counted 7 characters so far. Would this be enough?

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Yeah, I just need to write up the intro


Hence why I said “hopefully”.

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Hype growing
I don’t know why, but I am more excited for this rp than I am for the other two I am playing it combined.
Maybe its because I can really dig deep into a criminally undeveloped species.
Maybe because of the situation of the other two.
I don’t know, I am excited.


Sorry which species are you again? Haha.
ANNOUNCEMENT: everyone PM me your bios so I can give a final decision