Star Wars Topic

Rating Third Sister well as a character is extremely difficult, especially when you compare her to Second Sister from Fallen Order. Trilla was extremely well-written, had a very dark tragedy intertwined with the main characters that made her interesting to learn more about, and was actually terrifying in her scenes in ways that Star Wars rarely gets to be, save for a few Darth Vader scenes sprinkled about.

I honestly feel like Third Sister is trying to copy what Second did so well, down to the point where I can guess they have almost identical backstories. It’s hard to watch her try to be everything Second managed to be when she has done nothing to really deserve it. I really want to like Third, and I absolutely believe her actress should not be getting a tenth of what she’s receiving in backlash, but I almost feel Disney should have just made the Inquisitors all simple stand-in villains with Vader as the real threat, because that how it feels regardless of their efforts.


I’m watching Rebels for the first time, a bit less than midway through season 3 in a week. And I have to say, it’s … like yes, it’s a kid’s show, but it is refreshingly good and engaging and consistent with canon. I’m not sure it quite compares to Clone Wars, which was simply phenomenal, but it’s able to possess some or all of the qualities that make CW such a good show. All of the characters, for the most part, are their own character, with discernible motives and personalities.

Another huge plus is the fact that the scripting is not only not awful, like most D+ shows I’ve seen recently (Book of Boba Fett, Moon Knight, Loki, Mando season 2), but superbly executed by the voice actors. Some of my favorite characters are my favorites purely because of the talent of the VAs, like Thrawn, Hondo, and Kallus. Especially Thrawn. The way he kind of drawls his words is just so sinister and awesome. And Kallus, who was at first a kind of token villain, getting a redemption arc? Amazin.

Anyways, would definitely recommend the show if you’ve not seen it. Clone Wars is still better, I think, at least the tail 3-4 seasons.


You mean like in the Book of Boba Fett where he beheads a guy at a meat packing plant with the Darksaber?


If you’re going to behead someone, it may as well be at a meat packing plant.


Anyone else think that the basis plot of the Kenobi series and Book of Bob Fart should’ve been reversed?

One series about a guy defending Tatooine, and the other about a guy roaming the galaxy. Feels like the first would fit Obi-Wan and the second fits Bounce Flat.


Definitely agreed


I think @Racie02 should be a Star Wars writer.


she deserves better than that


I disagree, at least for obi wan. If we were to make a bare bones description of each show, yeah it sounds like they should have been swapped, but contextually, Kenobi is a show mostly tailored around its title character, confronting his demons, and overcoming an old friend turned foe. If it had fully taken place on tattooine wouldn’t imperial forces start swarming the planet in search of him?

As for Book Of Boba Fett, it’s less about protecting tattooine as it is about the world’s nicest crime lord lowering crime rates in his area


Obi Wan doing anything to attract attention to himself risks creating plot holes for why the Empire didn’t find and kill him, Luke, and Leia.


True, but the show did have a reasonable explanation for why he went off world.

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After the season finale, I think I’ve reached a bold conclusion that I wasn’t at before. This show, unlike Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett, is not simply an addition to the Star Wars collection, nor a spinoff, but a decently necessary piece of media that helps embolden the story told by the main Skywalker Saga in the first place.

Something always bothered me about 1-6 that I don’t think I even named until now is how Obi-Wan seems in two entirely different places between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. It’s more than just time changing a character, or the degression of the relevance of the character from major player to the wise elder archetype. The Obi-Wan we leave is not the Obi-Wan we return to.

In Revenge, it’s obvious Obi-Wan blames himself for Vader. He’s a wreck by the end of that movie, and it seems almost illogical for him to go from that state to the wise, Force-sage position he is in ANH. This show helps fix that - not entirely, but definitely puts in some major work towards this goal, something that deserves to be commended.

Am I unsure why Obi-Wan didn’t just kill Vader? Yeah, unfortunately. Do I think Reva’s survival at the end of Episode 5 meant literally nothing, as she was a meager filler side-plot in Episode 6? Absolutely, though I did like seeing Owen and Beru in action. But this show does a lot for Obi-Wan that’d I wouldn’t say is essential, but it is necessary, and for that, this show holds a special place in my mind.


Not really. It was very dumb of Organa to risk all their covers to get Leia back when he could have gone through normal channels as an imperial senator.

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Through what, the Empire? I don’t really see that going well.

Organa officially works for the Empire. Unless it goes counter the Empire’s interest, they should be willing to help. He also has his own security force and enough wealth to hire bounty hunters. Any of these are better options then risking their covers by geting Kenobi involved.


Well, you’re welcome to disagree, but the reasoning was good enough for me.

This arguably could have been an interesting alternative show for Boba Fett. I almost want Lucasfilm to make it, just to see what other options there were. Sort of an Into The Bobaverse approach.

Just kidding I definitely don’t want Star Wars to go that route


The clones were exactly that! So many faces of Fett!


If Bobaverse is the universe where writers give a crap, then I’m all for it.


I… Agree? Huh, wasn’t expecting that.

I’ve stated how I feel about the Kenobi series, and from your first paragraph I said “hah”, but after reading the rest of your post, I can totally get behind what you’re saying. I definitely feel it was handled, well, horribly, but when you look at it as just being part of Obi-Wan’s journey, it does feel like an integral part. There’s some parts I dislike, like him forgetting how to use the force, but it does portray his transition from “we lost the war” to “we lost the battle, but a new hope is coming.”