State of the Contests Update

yeah I don’t think a lot of people actually looked at the name of who they voted for

@Synnova32 one second ill find it then edit it into this post

this one it looks really cool idk I feel like it will get a lot of votes

Edited for Double Post - BioKnight


This is completely unrelated at this point. I dislike Double, and I did when I voted for his Bomonga. I chose it because it was the best Bomonga.


The correct way of voting.
The contest of these contest should simply be to get some good art.


That isn’t really the best criteria to say someone isn’t disliked though. There are a lot of people in the world, and not everyone is going to share an opinion. Just because someone won, doesn’t mean there isn’t also a significant number who dislike said person, but maybe appreciated something they did anyway.

Edit: if there’s this much discourse and drama about someone, then it’s a matter at least looking at

i mean eljay clearly is not perfect but this seems a bit like hyperbole

edit: lol post i reply to gone

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Yeah, this one’s great, I just hope it doesn’t lost out because we’re all sick of Metru builds after… all this.


This is actually a pretty solid Tuyet. While I personally disapprove of the Metru Frame being the staple for Toa as a species, this take feels fresh and unique compared to the common Blue/Silver/Neon-Orange Tuyet variants we see.

I agree with some comments about it needing a little more blue though. :blue_heart::black_heart:


Ah ok, well thats gonna be a good reason to get that account suspended.

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Yeah, I’m with you. I still want canon appearances for these characters.


I think metru for tuyet is a good idea because they on lhikans team. would love to see more unique builds for the serial toa tho

spamton? that you buddy?

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YOU BET YOU [Little Sponge]!


Tuyet is not depicted with the Barbed Broadsword outside of the appearance of her counterpart in the Toa Empire alternate universe. Fundamentally and in Greg’s own words, it is designed to maim its victims, a property not commonly found in Toa Tools.
As for the presence of the Nui Stone, I believe that should be left up to the entrants.


I will post this question, since the mods won’t go into it apparently. Who- other than Double- is a toxic detractor to these contests? If you can’t name a single group or person, it can’t be that bad.

Real talk since my actual post talking about issues here has been buried beneath this issue.

If you’re part of the Double Brigade™ then I understand where your frustration is coming from. However, do you really think that stirring ■■■■ up on the boards circularly is going to make your case any stronger?

Double’s been proven to be a toxic person across numerous communities. He’s banned from entering more contests because he won two, he’s a contentious figure, and frankly there’s been so many issues revolving around him and his supporters that not changing the status quo will just result in more drama.

I think the arguments for keeping double around have been conveyed. They’re valid. Meso and Eljay are obviously MIA right now so give them time to actually read what you’re trying to convey. Just because one of the 5 of you is being reasonable doesn’t mean that the other 4 don’t weaken the point being made.

You want to prove Double’s being banned is the wrong move, stop being disruptive, stop the memery. Be the image of maturity that you’re trying to force TTV to be. Simple as that.


I am unsure if I will enter the tuyet contest but if I do my nui stone will be a mike and ike

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To this, I say that Greg mentioned revealing her Toa tool in a serial. I don’t think he would’ve said that if he meant “the tool of an alternate universe Tuyet who uses a different tool in the prime universe”

dusting off this worn, tired account to say that it may have been a mistake to host this contest on the ttv boards exclusively


For parity’s sake, yeah that would be a good idea, but I’d like to disagree, unfortunately.

It’s an issue beat to death, but Toa Dume had a hand in Lhikan’s transformation into the Toa form that eventually became the inspiration for the transformation of Vakama et al., as Matoran-born Toa transform based on ‘what that Matoran imagines a Toa to look like.’

This gives way to the possibility that Toa Dume was the original “Metru Build.” Unless Nidhiki and Tuyet were directly influenced by Dume as well, neither is obligated to take after the Metru build. I believe any and all forms for the two are on the table.

This is just my gathered data for deduction, since our canon is still dictated by Greg’s words. I see where you come from though, and it does make some sense from a toyline design’s perspective.