I made two versions, one with custom shoulders and one with the traditional Metru modded shoulders. The goal with this MOC was to use black as her primary color and switch blue to secondary, which I thought would give her a unique look compared to other Toa of water. I wanted to centralize most of the blue to her chest and upper body, and have it spread out in little highlights towards her arms and legs.
For the eyes, I thought lime green/yellow would be a better choice compared to the usual red since it makes her look less menacing. While we know she turns evil, the Toa Mangai and Matoran didn’t know that at first, since she just looks like any other regular heroic Toa.
I made sure that all the pieces used are available in their specific colors, save for the mask. Since forgeofthemaskmakers doesn’t have their version of her Kanohi in mata blue, I’d recommend buying the white model and spray painting it with Tamiya TS15. If anyone has any better spray paint recommendations, please list them below!
Hmmm… I may want more blue on it but this is really nice.
Probably subbing some or all of the socket connectors/hand pieces for blue would be enough for me.
Loving the contrast of the blue and black! I was playing with rahkshi heads on my shoulders with metru blue but the mata blue really pops! Good stuff
As for shoulders I’d just choose the traditional mod. It just accomplished the same look essentially to me and more isn’t always better in my eyes. Although your custom doesnt look bad by any means.
Always find it interesting how different people mix up the Mtru build and this does look pretty awesome. The sparce blue actually works really well. Very cool.
The custom shoulders were to see if I could fill in the gaps left by the rahkshi heads as shoulder armor. For my contest entry, I’ll probably submit the version with regular Metru shoulders.
Also, per your recommendation as well as @Seuss, I switched the hands to blue instead of black. I think it adds just the right amount of blue that was still needed.
We will have to wait and see what the masses think. I could have sworn that shin armor piece came in marbled black and blue but i looked it up on bricklink and it doesn’t. maybe I am just thinking of von nebulas tridax pod thing
If you’re willing to keep them, the custom shoulders look awesome, and also much more unique than the standard Metru shoulders that will likely dominate the contest. Plus, Mata blue Rahkshi heads can be built in real life (for people looking to recreate your MOC), whereas Mata blue Metru shoulders cannot.
Awesome work! Love the color scheme, looks great and very unique (and perfect use for blue pins)! Really neat how you use the small blue dot on the lower torso (a blue lightsaber piece?), it flows so well. Your barbed broadsword is also fantastic! It totally fits the definition, but also can effectively slice along the blade (which IMO makes it a more useful weapon, some of the designs I’ve seen don’t make it slice-worthy), and looks heavy and dangerous.