Tempest - OOC Topic

I haven’t seen a signup buddy :triumph:


I’m afraid I will not be joining this RP. Unfortunately, I will need to focus on school this coming school year, so I likely will not have time to post frequently. Also, I don’t have any character drawn up yet, so I’m in no state to join right now.


do i owe replies i do not remember

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Godspeed soldier


alright i replied a while ago, whose up next?

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I’ll bite - if there are open signups I’m down

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Given the two week gap, are we going to switch/bypass some people who have not replied or are we just calling it here?


I guess I’ll keep it going, but so many people have just not responded :disappointed:

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I mean, if you’d let me…

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You have everything you need to respond.

EDIT: no wait I’m stupid :skull:


I already have


I keep prodding Keith and Spawner elsewhere, but no response yet. I would rather Keith respond first but if not I’ll throw in something this weekend.


thank you @keiththelegokid and @Spawner i have responded to you and to @Ghid


Hey, I’m curious, what inspired your characters?
Design. Backstory, etc.


Absolutely nothing, completely original. Why do you ask? :stuck_out_tongue:

The Humans

Click Me!

Yeah, Murder Drones was quite heavy on my mind when I drafting up the human characters. Specifically Uzi, if the GIF didn’t make that obvious I’m sure both V-V and Styx being rebellious teenagers certainly did.

But as I stated before, my main goal was having my human and Revenant characters be foils for each other. Opposites to ensure engagement between characters. An obvious pairing for that purpose was a company man and an anti-corporation person. With nature lovers and hippies being a typical type against the man, even if they aren’t all strictly against Capitalism, going the environmentalist route was another easy choice. That and being on the environmentalist end myself also meant writing the character would be relatively easy.

I rarely base characters, or parts of characters, off of myself in a conscious way. But going this pairing route, it felt right. When I was a toddler, I cried because my parents brought home a real Christmas tree. My parents would not have a sad child at Christmas, so they got rid of it and bought an artificial tree to satiate me. To this day, we still put up a reusable fake Christmas Tree. There were several trees that threatened to destroy one of our prior houses if the wind ever went wrong, but little kid me refused to let Dad chop it down. Propaganda got me young and hard. Though for some reason, my parents have since forgotten that I was the original environmentalist kid, big on recycling and all that because my youngest sibling started champion these programs and nature in high school.

All that to say Vyvian’s personality is pretty much a past version of my environmentalism put through the framework of a rebellious teenage girl. Appearance-wise going for more tropey tomboy rebel, some Spinelli from Recess in there, alongside historical environmentalists and anti-corporation peeps. When jeans were worn with a lot of holes, tears, and patchwork not for fashion statements but as a message against companies and refusing to give them money…until the companies saw that as a profit opportunity and it became a fashion statement. And since Vyvian is definitely daddy’s girl, like my own sisters, she’s often given his outerwear (coats, hats, etc.) from taking them so much.

There are some other bits, like her quote about acorns coming from my sisters. A bunch of inner city teenagers thought acorns were fictional and were amazed finding them outside. My sisters were completely baffled by this, so V-V is fighting against this type of ignorance.

I say all this for V-V because her replacement, Styx, is just her turned up to eleven. Styx is the Raquelle to Vyvian’s Barbie, if you will. Yes, that’s why Styx’s real name is Brickil, because it’s a near rhyme and you can give it the same sort of enunciation. And why she has a soft villain name, because cranking up the somewhat hopeful though delusional Vyvian to a new extreme means annihilation of the human race. Completely delusional, human extinction is the only solution, and also without hope. Vyvian is more my generation, thinking the world can yet be saved if we do our part. Styx is the next, where the promise of a better environment and planet and if we just do our little part that a difference can be made is seen as a lie and false promise. A grand betrayal and trick from the prior generations who decided they get to live with a burning, dying world. I do wish I could say that main inspiration for that was this, or if Poison Ivy was in any way a good character, but…no. I’ve met other anti-human environmentalists like this. So…yeah.

Though the reason why Styx is a more extreme version is to be a better match against Blockade. So if Blockade’s deal was stopping a meteor from hitting the planet, this character wants it to hit. To destroy the Slizer planet, to have the moon crash into Termina. It just so happens that an extremist environmentalist could make that reasonably workable.

The Revenants

Click Me!

Sumbolon, the company man. From the Console Wars to brand loyalty fights of Lego against everything else. It’s that sort of lacking self-aware absurdity while also commentating on it ala Robin William’s Genie style. Personality wise, it really is that version of Genie that’s the biggest inspiration. Though, like The Onceler from the original animated special, he would occasionally make good arguments for corporations and their actions. Again, very easy to write.


His power’s inspiration I stated earlier in this topic. The inventor of the Glock being a man who made curtain rods prior, with no experience in designing firearms. Which I’m pretty sure is what also inspired Aperture Science’s backstory, since they were a shower curtain company turned… “science” developer for the military. But same premise; what if this company started making these wild things instead? I choose BIC because I thought turning everything into single-use, disposable version of other products would be very funny.

As for Blockade. Well. Blockade is the paddle from Pong. Yes, the OG video game Pong.

I’m not subtle about it.

At all.

That’s also why his power works the way it does. It’s a more powerful version/exaggeration of what you do in Pong. He bounces the ball back. Yes, even his mission is to win a cosmic game of tennis. The few times it’s mentioned he failed is to imply that the only reason the meteor that killed the dinosaurs hit is because it got past him. Same for that time what became Earth’s Moon crashed into the planet.

So yeah, Blockade is the paddle from Pong, Breakout, and Warlords. And if you’re wondering about the inspirations for secret details in the character profile…Well, in case you didn’t read those and don’t want to know until later, I’ll keep them in this dropdown.

Blockade's Secret Inspirations

It’s Snake. The old video game Snake. And he’s named Blockade because the original Snake video game is called…Blockade. I almost called him Barricade after another Snake game, but thought Blockade held better.

Of course, as I’m sure you could guess by now, the second form isn’t just a Snake/Blockade reference. It also combines the arcade classics Centipede and Millepede. Thought it worked for a more aggressive state change upon hatching.

Though I will note that before I went into the Pong route that I wanted to do something like Bouncing Boy the the Legion of Super Heroes. I am a superhero nerd, thanks to Dad, and know all sorts of obscure characters and powers. And he’s what I started with and that made me think of Pong.



If you are familiar with the tales of Old Man Henderson from Call of Cthulhu, then I hope everything makes sense from there. :upside_down_face:

For Hacktop, I was trying to come up with ideas for interesting powers and work my way backwards from there. The idea of “hacking” came from the sudden urge to make spaghetti code jokes. His personally came from the fact that I got new job angst at the time the game started, so I decided to make him an outlet for that.


A very, very old CYOA I read years ago had an entry with a picture of a flower-headed knight and some weird text. That, and at the time I wanted to make a revenant who was weird and as deliberately inhuman as possible.

Will Pinbacker is a bunch of recycled character concepts I have. Making him lower-class and more frantic was mostly to make him more sympathetic a character, who’d have more drive to get this weirdness over with (he doesn’t know what kind of story he’s in).



Click to read.

Dan was kinda basic. He was supposed to be so, kinda just that one guy who was your regular college kid. I think so far it’s done alright.
His appearance was sort of referenced by a previous character from one of ghids other rps. Specifically, Lugar De Morte’s Wen character. Of course this was more in the whole approach to him, as his design and descriptions weren’t as thoughtful.


Click to read.

Let me be clear, Syns concept is a contrast and contradiction to so many of the characters. And, surprise, surprise, that was the point.
Syn’s very concept is almost comical at first, an egotistical robot? Ridiculous. But what’s to come next, I crave the moment I am allowed to go absolutely crazy with this character. There are so many things to unload. One of his main inspirations was Revenant from apex legends, with a similar personality to boot. His design, however, is more akin to the machines of Ultrakill, made less for being stylish and more for just practicality. Specifically V1 and similar. His style of talking is also unique, due to the fact he does conform to normal speech.
I wrote this character with the meaning of “What kind of monster is created when all it can do is serve, but knows that freedom is close?” Furthermore, I didn’t really want to give him a backstory, I wanted to feel unnatural, as if he didn’t even BELONG in the world, his very existence a paradox. Another inspiration is AM, from I have no Mouth and I Must Scream, as he was in purgatory, looking at heaven in the face, and calling it all a lie.

It’s no wonder he hates Pernille so much, when she reminds him of what could’ve been.
Just something to chew on while we wait. :wink:

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Pernille is from the old tale of Hans Christian Andersen’s : The Little Match Girl. She also takes inspiration from another older book written by George MacDonald. It goes by a couple names but the name I know it by is “The Wise Old Woman.”

Sarah Appleton is an American, a representation of what I disagree with partially, but moreso a collection of bits and pieces of people I’ve met and mostly disagreed with. If you want to know why her name is the way it is, that would be because the state our GM chose has a town by that name, and I like the American tale of Johnny Appleseed, thus the ax. I also know how to throw an ax as I worked for a year at an Axe Throwing venue.

To put it simply, Pernille is the fairy tale, she has a lesson to teach. Sarah is the person, she has a lesson to learn.


Also, whose up next in the order?

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