I got bored and wanted to ask, if you had a voice actor for each of your characters, who would you pick?
are we waiting on someone cause things have been quiet for almost a week now
Looking at our list, we definitely could use some responses from @wild_toa. We could use a response from NOTaHFfan on Ghid’s takeover of TheMOCingbird’s character, though they’re still waiting on wild_toa.
Keith and Spawner could give responses as well but wild_toa’s is the most overdue…of those still visiting the site.
Given it has been over two weeks since wild_toa’s last reply, is there a policy or method usable to switch turns or auto his character (until he returns or confirms he cannot return)?
The censored word was s h i f t. No idea why the censor picked up on that.
He’s been on the site, but he’s been swamped. Today was the day he was scheduled to properly return, from what I recall.
@Wild_Toa is this true?
Once Im off work, Ill be back
I have a decent list of things I need to reply to here, and this is lower than some, but still up there
I have received a request from @wild_toa to move his characters along for now, seems he’s swamped with other Boards stuff. I’ll be doing that shortly.
replied, later than I intended it appears
So I suppose this was inevitable, and I’m sure plenty of you saw it coming. I’ve been hesitating to see if there was some way I could turn the tide, but I suppose it’s easier to face the music rather than keeping everyone in limbo.
Tempest has ended.
It was an extremely fun concept, and it might’ve had better chances two or three years ago, when users were much more active, but with half the players falling off for weeks at a time, I think it’s time to throw in the towel with this endeavor.
Several of you put a lot of time and effort into this rp, and I want to thank you for the dedication you’ve shown. It was a fun concept, and I’m glad I got the chance to try it out, even if this is how every RP I’ve run tends to go.
So what happens now?
If you’re looking for more RPs to write in, there are two I can recommend: Tales of Glory and Valour: The Seafarers is a fantasy sailing setting about a crew of misfits trying to restore the heir to the throne, and is perhaps the most resilient RP I have ever seen, bouncing back after the longest and most dead of lulls in activity, so if you’re worried your time and effort may be wasted, don’t be. It’s also a fantastic RP for deep character exploration, building your writing skills, and the GM is very based.
And The Battles of Some is set in a futuristic war where the survivors from all sides race to evacuate a doomed planet, and white it is fairly hot off the presses, it’s got a fantastic start so far, and I have faith the GM will carry it through to the end. I’m involved with both these RPs on both the writing side and helping with some of the worldbuilding, and both of them are worth checking out.
The RP topic for Tempest will be closing soon, if it hasn’t closed already by the time you’re reading this. Thank you once again for putting up with my silly ideas and giving them the time of day, and I hope to see you the next time I ignore my better judgement and start yet another RP.
Until next time,
That’s a shame, but I appreciate the notice being upfront.
Do we get to learn the origin of the Revenants or any potential directions this story was going?
Oh we’re full send shutting this down now, thats unfortunate. Suppose thats why you said to focus on the others more.
This was a fun RP to be a part of, for the time I was active in it. I am part of the reason it ended, however, between my short boards hiatuses and my own RP getting put together and started way earlier than I really intended or realistically should have tried, and so to anybody who was invested in this RP, I am sorry.
I do echo Ghid’s choices of RP reccomendations (even though one one of them is mine).
Tales of Glory and Valour has been running for a long time, at least since the boards were active as a whole, and it has passionate players who enjoy writing for the setting created by an equally talented GM.
The Battles of Some, despite being in the process of pulling itself out of a rocky period, is another RP with passionate players, and as the GM, I can say that there are no plans of letting it stop short in entirety, and despite the RP needing to right itself at the moment, the stories contributed by Ghid have continued to add to the story.
I might as well, I suppose
The Revenants and their human (and dog) masters would eventually find themselves under pursuit of the United States military, hounded rather mercilessly on the way to their destination. The ominous black rectangle with its creepy peeper who showed un in the shadow of the door at the restaurant and outside the window was another Revenant I had developed for the purposes of killing off Revenants/their masters if a user disappeared for long enough, as one had.
Eventually the crew would find out their destination was a high-security military base overseen by a particularly stereotypical commander with a Revenant of his own, looking to acquire the existing Revenants for the purpose of enabling the US military. His Revenant would be a significantly more serious threat than the ones faced before, and would either negate or directly challenge most of the other threatening Revenants’ abilities in the party.
At the finale of the RP, the Revenants would discover their origin: They were ideas thought up by unknown individuals from around the world, and do not truly have lives of their own. As the same incident that brought them into existence now threatens to rip apart reality and permanently alter the universe, the choice would come down to the characters whether they would sacrifice the Revenants to the growing void to restore order in the world or abstain from responsibility in order to save their lives.
You can indeed my friend
Shame, but ah well. Thanks for the plot summary, would have been neat.
I’ll have to look at the other two you’ve mentioned then.
If there is ever a Tempest 2, I’ll sign up
Interesting, so Pernille’s implied backstory of just being a book character come to life works in this story.
ghid how many movies like ET and flight of the navigator did you watch when you were writing this RP’s plot
I watched the LEGO Batman Movie and got bored