The Antidermis pool (Gilahu's Brotherhood Project Makuta WIPs)

I feel like the hood would be better rounded, honestly.

The dangling jewel is a nice touch, and I’d love to see a Makuta that uses such accessories, but I feel like it’s difficult to tell if it works without a more finished build.


I think if you’re going for a sort of vaguely jesterish look, having a pointy hood works better. As for the tails on the hood, I personally prefer the second version, with the tails on the back.


I actually had another idea for the jewels yesterday which I promptly tried since it only required some yarn.

Also I think I’ve finally found a wielder for that cutlass thing I built a while ago.

Though something still is missing, I feel… maybe I’ll try some embroidery next.


Yeah, this already looks fantastic. What feels missing (to me) is the redness of the eyes. The head/face is pretty nondescript.


Nothing to be done there, I fear. It lies in the nature of the hood to prevent light from falling onto the eyestalk. A lighter eye colour might help slightly, but I want to stick to orange eyes for all Makuta, so that’s not an option.


So while I’m waiting to organize what’s necessary for the last touches on Chisk and Belgahn, I decided to finally dig out the remains of Jarnat. Considering he was my first MOC when I started to get into MOCing, it’s certainly time to bring him up to date again.

The blue pinaxles are a little sad, but otherwise I think so far this is going rather well.

Decided to stick with the general design of the upper legs, even if they don’t allow for free knee articulation. Funnily, this makes the whole thing much less of a pain to build and also more stable. Luckily, Jarnat also has the bulk to cover the necessary knee gaps.

The Piraka feet on the torso will also definitely limit arm articulation, but I consider them too much of a signature component of him to consider changing them. And even broader shoulders to extend past them would look silly.
For the arms I’ll have to organize more of the trans orange hand pieces, though…

And for comparison the last version:

Update: Head

Any opinions?


I think the head is a definite improvement over the original. I’m not sure how to explain it, but it feels much more substantial.


I think the old one felt like it was missing the head, it looked like a fence on a red plate. This one actually resembles a mask.


Yeah, it definitely shows that it was 9 years old and the first custom head I ever built since I really started buidling MOCs. :stuck_out_tongue:

Feels good to have something proper for Jarnat at last.

(Fun fact: I found out the connectors making up the front of the old head are connected with grey L3 axles. I never use grey L3 axles unless it’s part of the colour scheme. So this indicates my pre-bricklink days where I ran out of black axles. :laughing: Hard to imagine nowadays.)


So, now that I have some different colours of yarn, I tackled the cape for Belgahn. Wanted to go for something a little more fancy.

Lessons learned:

  • I need more practice with embroidery (though that’s no surprise)
  • there is a reason why embroidery is usually done in an embroidery frame and I should figure out something in that regard for the future.

Still, currently unsure whether to stop here or add more…


The opaque red on the head is hard to sort from the trans-red eyes. What does it look like swapping those pieces with black?


Not sure exactly what pieces you mean?


Is Gorast still a WIP?


Yeah. I like the legs I have, but can’t really warm up to the torso, so moved on for the moment until I get some new inspiration.

Actually, also just finished the new arms for Jarnat. Compared to other MOCs I do nowadays he feels a little rough, though, and I’m not sure if I like it… Stems of course from the fact that I’m directly reusing some parts of the original.


I like the redesigned Jarnat! He looks quite impressive!


I am a big fan of dark red. This rules. I need me at least one of those swordds.


How does his red nose look in black, I mean?


I fear that lifeguard float thingie does not come in black, so that is no option.


So with Jarnat pretty much finished (just need to take pictures at some point), I went over the other Makuta and decided to probably do @Racie02 's Makuta Clanik next.

Makuta Clanik

Going to be interesting due to his asymmetry, though I’ll mainly only maintain that in terms of colour, not in the actual build. On the other hand, maybe I get some ideas when I get to the arms.

Purple is unfortunately quite a difficult colour to do much with since there are mostly only basic technic parts coming in that colour. I decided to go for the old purple instead of the new one, which the original uses, simply for the sake of availability of parts.
Based on the print on the lime shin part, I’m also thinking about adding some silver (as you can see).

I expect I’ll not be sticking too close to the original in terms of parts usage here since with both purple and lime I’ll kinda have to see what works.


Yeah, makes sense. The split colors are probably a more defining feature. Other than that there’s the launcher and shoulder spike things, those are the details that stuck in my memory

And most new purple is CCBS. I probably would have used old purple if I’d had more.

I find it funny, you probably have a better piece selection than I did when I made the original.