The Ask the Politician Topic

D34r p0l1t1c4l 5l1m3, 1 t4k3 0ff3nc3 2 th3 f4ct th4t u th1nk w3 p0t4t03s 5p34k w1th numb3rs m1x3d w1th l3tt3rs 45 533n 1n th3 h0w r1s3 st0l3 chr1stm4s t0p1c;
45 533n by th1s qu0t3 h3r3

1t5 3cp3ct 4 f0rm4l 4pp0log3
P5: 1f s4id 0n p0dc4st, s4y 1n b1g g1rl3 v01c3

Ps: I am sure you didnt understand any of that…