I didn’t even mention that was during the fight against his former team leader, who was racist towards Karzahni’s rebuilt Matoran and incited a race war that killed Jethryn’s technically-not-love-interest. Also when Jethryn committed his first murder.
greg looms
i-it was platonic the whole time heh heh
Okay, fine, I will
Fair warning: sometimes I’m a bit nitpicky here.
Chapter fore
While “naivety” is a valid spelling, given the nature of the narrator, I feel like “naivete” would fit Tott’s pompous arrogance more.
I like this. Totally in character for him to break to describe a character and then say sorrynotsorry.
This feels like such a cat-like thing to say.
I love this foreshadowing. One of the great things about going through and reading this now is seeing all the little stuff like this.
This seems unnecesarry to include here, since it kinda doesn’t wind up happening or being brought up again.
But isn’t Tott wearing a mask? Wouldn’t that provide some amount of protection? You also later have him clarify “face, er, mask” in chapter 8.
Chapter 5
It’s a little clunky to just say “gaining” with no subject.
“seemed to?”
Wouldn’t one generally have a pretty good idea of whether they themselves have a greater understanding? Even if he’s not sure what to do with this information, he has it, so it seems odd to say “seemed to”.
This may be a bit nitpicky, but the way that this is worded makes it sound like he’s snapping to a pose because of the gun having fired, almost as if he’s not in control of it. “Firing the gun at that very moment”, using a more active tone instead of passive, seems more fitting (in my opinion).
So, let me try to interpret this sentence. Diero ejects the bullet shells next to Tott’s head, and then the bullet shells fly past him toward the pursuing Cephalopod? Or is there a part of this sentence missing?
This definitely could stand to be rewritten a bit.
Where did his other pair come from? did I miss something from the first three chapters?
The future is a liar?
*lay ahead
Chapter 6
Since the story is in past tense, wouldn’t this be “as they proceeded?”
Present tense proceed works, but it feels a bit jarring to have sudden PresTen.
Also man this chapter is short.
Aren’t expressions generally what you use to read emotion, not the other way around?
Chapter crutch
Again with jumping back and forth between present and past tense.
“cold hard” doesn’t really get hyphenated.
Chapter Infinity sideways
Shouldn’t the “a” not be here?
Cats have claws. I’m telling you, this has to be intentional.
Also, you just used the word “desperately” in the previous sentence, so it’s a little repetitive.
A) I really like this, it’s perfect and in-character.
B) I get what you’re trying to say, but it sounds like Tott is saying being short effects his memory.
Chapter Nein
Some hyphens or commas around “I think his name was”, while not necessary, would make this sentence a bit easier to read
You never call him “Jens”. All five remaining Galidor fans are disappointed in you.
It took me a moment to recognize what’s going on here. “Bolting the door behind us” makes it sound like Tott was part of the group leaving, and Jens bolted the door shut behind them, but then they’re still in the room. Perhaps “behind him”?
chapter io
You already said this earlier. I get that it’s a transition to Tott’s emotion; perhaps using different wording instead of “emotion” would feel less repetitive?
Chaper stilts
for a second I thought you were talking about the poor sap who owned the house standing menacingly there.
The infinite void of space is impossible to comprehend.
Uh, I mean…
This mention of a kid comes so out of nowhere that I thought R was about to punch Tott until the next paragraph. Something like “here they were, along with a kid cromeboy was about two seconds from…” would read a lot clearer.
…does the fact that he doesn’t remember how he got to Monopoly’s home ever come up again?
Cheaper by the Chapter
Hi Rukah.
If you cut off a character mid-sentence to describe them talking, don’t end the sentence with a period; connect it with a comma.
Baker's Chapter
I just want to take a moment to acknowledge that this is one of my favorite chapters. The reveal of Tott’s true nature, the deer joke, the little details with so much significance, from the dropped match to the Jethryn lower halkf grabbing Cordax to the forgotten warhead.
That said, I gotta nitpick.
This is an issue that’s been bothering me since I first read this chapter: the fact that the abilities of a Dreamer seem unclear. Both R and now Diero have said that they can “perform written orders, and no one but another dreamer can stop them.” Yet it seems no one can defy them irregardless of orders, based on the grabbing of Cordax, unless Jericho’s lower half had some sort of orders I missed. The fight(s) between Diero and Monopoly also seem to affirm this. There’s also never any acknowledement of the “dreams” ability
Basically: I think I get it, but it was certainly a bit misleading at first.
This seems way stronger than Tott has demonstrated so far in this story.
The transition from one action to something completely disconnected with no comma to separate and just the connecting word “and” is rather jarring.
I’m so proud
Chapter 14
Given what Tott just revealed/said, shouldn’t “alive” be in quotation marks?
Feels like there should be some mention of the fact that this is the same shoulder that got shot earlier.
Chapter is
But I thought Jethryn was already in half?
Okay, seriously though: given the ramble-y nature of your narrator, it seems perfectly fitting to have some mention of the fact that Jimbob’s upper half got ripped (nearly) in half.
Oh, you sneaky Bohrok.
Chapter 16
I thought Diego was the Anodize Airhead? Or has Tott just decided to use it as a general insult.
Hey guys, Ghid is ticklish.
So, what was the point of the entire warhead plotline? Diero takes it, then just leaves it at Monopoly’s house, and it seems to have no significance whatsoever?
It feels a little strange for this to come up now, since it hasn’t been brought up before.
So, is this two different people, or the same person? It’s really bizzarely cut. At the very least, maybe cut out the quote mark at the end of the first line so it’s clear that the second one is a continuation?
chapter something-or-other
Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to say “attack him at once”, given that Diero doesn’t really rush so much as shoot?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but Renner didn’t really do that? Diero just kinda dropped him after getting orders from R, and then Diro grabbed Tott and jumped off a rocket?
Chapter adult content
Okay, I don’t have much to say about this chapter. I was gonna point out that it isn’t clear that the guy at the end is Ghid, but you’ve already acknowledged that, so… Poodles.
Wait! Hang on, future Willess is typing now (aka the me from a few hours later who’s currently on Chapter 26)
Later on in the story, there’s references to stubb being written “on the wall”, and I was super confused because Chronicler’s arm clearly wrote this on a notepad it’s mentioned right here. I only just realized he only took the pen.
This isn’t a critique, I just wanted to point out that I’m an idiot.
Chapter 19
Isn’t that what happened to Tott himself earlier when he fell off the rocket with Diego? Surprised that isn’t being mentioned.
Chptr 20
This is the best part of the whole book, even better than Chapter 13
Ghid has a bell for a neck?
You dork.
This is actually really useful for keeping track of who’s where.
Chapter 21
Since this was recently pointed out to me: Lead is present tense and bullet powder, Led is past tense and tiny lights.
Okay I was listening to “take back the Night” right as I got to this part, that’s eerie.
Chapter this year
How and why does Tott do this? This dome is supposed to contain radiation, but Tott shatters it so easily? And to what end?
Chapter 23
So, do they ever recover from this? Was Fifty lying, or did the revival cure them?
Do dreamers bound to a host need permission to kill people?
I know someone already pointed this out, but it really sounds like Cordax’s knife is in his own forehead.
Chapter 24
Wait why is he suddenly the Monopony?
(I have been waiting for an opportunity to use that pun. Please shoot me again)
It’s good to know I’m not the only one mispelling Diego’s name.
Chapter 25
I just want to mention that this chapter starts to fall into what Sonus was talking about, where things feel like they’re happening in a black void. It’s wierd, since the scenery up until now has been decently well described, but here… I kinda forgot where they were for a bit. The halls of the Cider Factory? And then they fall in a hole… somewhere?
Some nitpicks:
This sentence is… bizarre. I think maybe it would work better if “things” was plural?
you Forgot To Capitalize monopoly There.
Chapter 26
You ever wonder why we’re here? It’s one of life’s greatest mysteries, isn’t it?
Shapter 27
Okay this one’s funny.
Hey, is Renner a Skakdi?
present tense: as jarring as ever
I love this. I love that you don’t just spell out what happened here, and let the eater-- er, reader figure it out.
Chatper 28
Okay but it sounds like Cordax is the one talking at first.
Chapter 29
This is clever
Chapter 30
This chapter is filled with so many reveals and twists, it’s great. I just want to highlight some of my
So that’s how that works.
what did he write
a big reveal
really hanging onto this one, aren’t you.
Chapter 31
I don’t even know what to make of this one.
Chapter 32
I have spent literally all day on this
yes, I am the knife
Dude you really went overkill
being vague and unclear with my threats clearly works out
you assume I was aware of that word before you mentioned it? clearly you overvalue my thesaurus
Book four will be a treat.
It never did get mentioned in regards to details, but Jethryn did leave the party at that point and mysteriously reunite at the tower, no explanation given. I like to think he pretended to go check and took a nap for a few minutes until he was needed.
Protection, yes, but when smothered by the stunned body of a deadsperado, one mask does not alleviate much of the weight or smothering. Especially when you’re as small as Tott.
Can’t really communicate a greater answer there because it’s based on a twist that has yet to be fully grasped by the readers thus far. I had thought the groundwork was well enough laid, but some people are theorizing decidedly to the contrary, so I’ll take the L for now.
You’re right, but um
uh um uh
please leave your message after the tone
…Did I not mention he had four? He had four.
I just checked over Chapter 2, and no, I never mentioned the exact amount. Uhhhhhh what I meant to say was, it’s hidden in the- in the subtext of the chapter and yes um uh well um ysee uh
spoilers, man
just like tott
There’s a lot of body language that can betray what expressions may be trained to conceal, or in Diero’s case, since his facial features consist of a skull that only ever moves to talk and on occasion warp into some facsimile of a grin or grimace, much of Diero’s intent has to be gleamed from other sources, like tone of voice and body attitude.
…I mean foreshadowing. OOooOOOoooooOOo. NOTaHFfan is furiously combing through his physical folders of Bo___ theories to decipher this
how to tie your shoe
I was hoping it would imply something else as the initial reference to Diero’s speed
he’s declawed
I wonder if you do, because the intent there is part of the not-yet-arrived twist. Tott holds greater secrets than we realize…
Likus hasn’t read the story and yet I can feel his disappointment
Stop making me want to rewrite it ugh smh
well it’s the second time but I see your point
double hockey sticks
I will not dispel the concept.
Aye, but I wasn’t sure how to word it so the mention of the kid being punched wasn’t the first thing in the sentence.
not in this book.
ladybug picnic
You say that, and Arthur Conan Doyle is rolling in his grave
What’s worse is I couldn’t decide between the two
dude careful you’re gonna choke
Jens’ lower torso had to move when Jethro wanted it to, which required a specific order if it was both non-verbal and non-visual (such as hand signs or some other indicator). Easiest way to handle that is a catch-all of some sort, allowing Jedediah to indicate (likely mentally) to carry out any action dictated through his thoughts. Were someone to stand in front of him while he was walking, they’d be trampled unless he changed course.
Yeah, it was intentionally unclear whether or not the orders are what cause them to be unstoppable, but there’s a slight difference between the two: any Dreamer properly connected to a host has something of a personality which can either be refined or not - Jethryn’s was very much not. Were a Dreamer to receive a verbal command, that personality may make them wary about their goals or the method to receive them, and Diero had one moment where he outright defied an order from Renner regarding the concealment of his name - verbal commands could possibly be ignored if the Dreamer was so inclined, but written orders must be followed and completed unless overwritten by another command. In that circumstance, they cannot be stopped.
The gloves were off.
Fortni- I mean teen
For Tott, this is as alive as he can be. While not defined as such by the measures required for Dreamers to override, this is living for Tater Tott.
number 15
Jimothy’s not half the man he used to be
wait I already made that joke
You wake one…
Anodize is specifically in reference to metal - this has always been a jab towards Renner since its first use in the tower. Diero’s skin matches the appearance of other Dreamers, even the Ghid ones - stone-like and unmoving.
O ye of little faith, trust more in the one to trust. There are many details which will make a reappearance in the next book, and unfortunately there wasn’t enough room for Diero to lug around a nuclear warhead, especially with the cider facility coming by to reintroduce that threat.
Don’t worry, it wasn’t forgotten, and where it was left was wholly intentional. We’ll see it again.
I would say foreshadowing OOooOOOoooooOOo but yeah… Same guy.
He rushed him with bullets
Tott is angy. No explain innocence.
get on my level I’ve pointed out I’m an idiot like five trillion times in this topic alone
$19 Fortnite Card
No, the answer there is a bit complicated. It has to do with Tott’s nature, which I’ll explain more in the next book. FORESHADOWING OOOOOOOOOOO
I am NOT a DORK.
(photo for proof()
I mean um
he is big strong boy
Like I said in response to NOTaHFfan (get a new username, smh) there’s deep lore behind how Tott pulled this off and how he knew where to jump, and I really hope I can cover it in the next book. If not I may have to make a couple side stories.
Fifty couldn’t have anticipated them dying and coming back to life. As far as he knew, they were already dead.
Nnno, Diero was just being nice. He can’t go shooting everyone he meets if his boss thinks they might be useful.
♪he was lookin kinda dumb♫
The hall of the Mountain Ghid
He literally had no comments for this
I can’t believe he had no comments for this
I still can't believe he had zero comments for that
Greg, go back into your all-consuming beard and stop disassembling the action figures to make new characters
Chronicler really shirked his duties for this book ngl
just Cordax this time
We all know Cordax was thinking that
One score and nine
Not doggone clever enough, soon as I gave that hint Rukah immediately found it. I should have said nothing until the end; this is what I get for letting slip a big clever moment.
hath September
Let’s see some of your
Final Chapter
this is your best critique so far
...Final Chapter 2?
Guys he literally didn’t say anything at all there is no Chapter 32 what is going on
it tailed off towards the end there, but thank you for the high-quality effort. Glad to have some decent critique of the series and to know the biggest issue was my horrible grammar
I smart
Because there is no difference. I just typed many random words to appear smart.
Proof or it didn’t happen
I can… but I won’t. A new profile picture is all you’re gonna get
Now you’ll be forced to use it as a basis for my character description in the fourth book hahahahahahhahahahhahahhah
Yall are making me search through all of these summaries to find the context
I would say carpal tunnel but we know the primary cause of that
I don’t even know what’s happening in it. I would assume that’s a hand holding the helmet, but in that case the poor wrist is most likely broken.
my condolences
now you’ll have to see how he literally had no quotes from chapter 26
Uh… you’re seeing things… I definitely didn’t redraw it… look at it again
Also, didn’t you say that you can’t draw hands? Stay in character or something ghib
If that’s the case, we’re even more alike than I could ever imagine
Whoops, I put that in when I was reading at first because I thought I remembered Jethryn simply going with them to the tower, and then when I realized he didn’t I went back and deleted it. Except apparently I forgot to actually do that last part.
I feel very depressed knowing i won’t be included in your latest story @Ghid
I hear Ghid likes flips.
You can ask me here too btw
Anybody else that has questions, get them out now! The next book is about to start!
Well, if you insist… Tott is The One to Trust, but Ghid from BoL is also The One to Trust. How does that work? Or is it some major plot point from the fourth book that you don’t want to disclose yet?
If any other question comes to my mind, I’ll just edit it into this reply.
Edit: more questions:
Why do you keep seeing anime references in my drawings?
To be or not to be?
What is love?
What is the meaning of life?
And most importantly, have you seen that amazing Wario MOC by Eero Okkonen over on Flickr? Isn’t it the best thing in the world?
Oh. You mean only the Book of ____-related questions…
This is an epic moment.
Looks like if I don’t hurry, I’ll be three book covers behind. This has to be dealt with…
Transistive Property of Equality is the concept that if one factor equals another, and that second factor equals a third, the first factor equals the third factor, with no other stipulations attached. Pictured below:
…Except TTV hates copied PNGs with a transparency layer, so one trip to MS Paint and you have:
clearly I NEED to get that Ghid moc built
was I planned to be the knife since the beginning or was it kind of a last minute thing?
Oh. So Tott is BoL Ghid. That’s way simpler than I was hoping.
Look, I edited my original reply.
Wait when exactly did it turn from a sketch into a MOC? And aren’t you supposed to be working on a certain other MOC? The “yelling at the dust when in public” cleaning method isn’t working for me anymore for some reason…