The Brotherhood of Makuta - What About a Community MOC Project?

I like Mangiru, yeah.

As for the mask, you’re right, it would be the same power as a Mask of Possibilities. I’ll be honest, I always assumed that that mask just gave the user visions of possible futures from the name, and never looked it up till now (why isn’t called the mask of probabilities?). Wow. Honestly, I’d just change his mask to that. We know from Mutran and Chirox that Makuta can share masks.

After a quick google to to find out what that term means, I take it that they’re saying the name sounds too Germanic rather than Maori? I honestly don’t know how any of the established canon Makuta names are any better in that regard, but okay.

Now this I just don’t get. The canon brotherhood naming scheme is already heterogenous. Sure, there are a few that share a common ending (Teridax, Icarax, Miserix, and Chirox), but the others really have very little in common (Bitil, Gorast, Antroz, Vamprah, Mutran, Krika). I honestly feel like ‘Erdorn’ sounds more similar to the established names of at least that 2nd group than ‘Erdavar’ does, but I digress.

I suppose if they really insist on changing it, I’d prefer something like ‘Erdran’. I take it they’d consider that more valid, given that it uses the same ending scheme as ‘Mutran’, which is a canon Makuta name.


I’ve noted that down.

I’ve proposed it, will get back to you once I got feedback.


Erdran is fine.


Okay, cool.

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I’ve made it clear in the past that I don’t really care much for RSG’s work, nor their organization (for reasons really not worth getting into here), but Holmahk works fine.

The original name is based on Hormah, a minor location from the Book of Numbers. It roughly translates to “condemned” or “devoted to destruction.” I figured that was appropriate given the character, and the fact that Makuta often have inherently negative connotations to their name (their leader is a couple letters off from “misery”). Thus, I pretty firmly disagree with the notion that their names shouldn’t sound negative. Not all Makuta are evil, but they’re all dark, and plenty have names based around negative and “evil” meanings already.

That all said, I don’t really care if they want to change the name to Holmahk to fit him in to their world. It doesn’t impact me in any notable way.


Thanks for your reply!

Maybe to clear up a communication error - this probably relates to this line?

“Negative connotations” here is meant as connotations/similarities in look or sound to real world terms which are considered inappropriate in some way. (Though in the cases where I know this applies I personally honestly don’t see most of that and didn’t even know most of the words beforehand :man_shrugging:)


Why exactly do the mocs need to change details and names to fit with RSG’s vision, anyway? The collab has been completed at this point, so why are the original mocists being compelled (and a few forced) to alter their creations? Nobody signed up for this.


RSG and the Brotherhood Project are technically separate things. RSG has had not much influence on the BP, but to bring the BP to bear in RSG certain adaptations are necessary. For my Makuta revamps which happen apart from RSG I will stick to the original names, for example.

As to why BP stuff is brought into RSG lore at all - I will not claim that everyone needs to see it that way, but for me personally it’s a way of saying “thank you” to everyone who participated in the BP to incorporate their ideas in a larger and more public project like RSG. That’s something I’ve myself put a lot of work into making possible - while always trying to keep things as close to the original material as I can manage.

Ultimately it’s always entirely the creator’s call to say “no, I don’t want my Makuta to become part of RSG lore” or to formulate (reasonable) conditions for that, though.

Based on the on/off activity/inactivity of several creators, I felt it necessary to establish a “no answer means yes” policy to not leave anyone out. But I also have made it clear since 2018 (while the BP was still ongoing) that the RSG collaboration will be a thing.


Go ahead and rename my makuta lol they deserve it :smiling_imp:. As usual, fantastic job overseeing the project.

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Dang, I didn’t see this message until it was too late, and I know my opinion doesn’t matter now, but yeah, “Diakur” works!

I believe I have efficiently edited my post! Dang, that topic was in some disrepair


I was on vacation when this happened, but I’m also fine with the name change granted it’s to late to argue but I digress.


I’ve been off TTV for a while, but I’m fine with whatever name change.



Netorak is fine I guess and I don’t know if I can contact whoever originally named him


Is it too late to submit this guy?


I fear you are too late by about three and a half years. :sweat_smile:

But you have a neat MOC there. I actually quite like the legs.


Thank you. It’s the first time I’ve gotten a custom torso to work, and the first time I added waist articulation.


I’m realizing I have kinda forgotten to announce this, but there are some unfortunate news:

RSG and I parted ways due to disagreements in RSG lore matters.

What this effectively means from RSG’s standpoint is that there will be no more lore in regards to project Makuta added, and the existing lore will be built back to some degree. At the very least, any explicit mention of any names will be removed.

I’ll nevertheless try to do what I can to make up for this eventually in an inofficial way.

With the Makuta names RSG requested to be changed in the past, I’ll handle it so that I’ll use the original name unless the creator expressed actual preference of the alternative.


I can’t say I’m especially surprised about this, but I appreciate your dedication to this project nonetheless. For years now you’ve resolved to organize and personally contribute to this endeavor, and I know I’ll still be here to see where it goes, wherever that may be.


For the record, I do prefer the original name for Makuta Xoth.


Sad, but like Pizzacheetah, I’m not surprised. Thanks for your years of work on this project, even when some of us (especially me) go on hiatus for long stretches of time. The care you have for this is evident.