The Favorites, part one: Lewa Nuva revamp

Hello everyone, welcome to a new series I’m going to make called The Favorites where I share some of my favorite mocs I’ve made. Usually these are the ones that have been around for a while, with a few exceptions (including this first one) I figured I’d start with the one on my profile picture, my Lewa Nuva revamp. I thought it would be cool to make a lewa body that fit a little better with the mask size (I’ve always thought the Nuva masks were to large for them). Now, here he is!

While building him, I thought it would be cool if I built homages to all of his other forms (except for his pilot form, because that’s the only one I don’t have and it’s just a modified version of his phantoka form) into him and I want to see if you guys can figure them out! As I alluded to earlier, this is a moc new to this year (although I can’t remember exactly when I built him), whereas most others in this series will be older. Also, people really liked the idea of putting a silhouette of the next character in the topic, so I’m going to try doing it with this one too.

As always, comments and criticism are appreciated, see yall next week!


Cool, has very solid colour blocking and a nice combo of eras. A suggestion is the green breeze shoulder pads on the legs look ok when his legs are spread apart but when standing straight they look a bit off.


Your self MOC is next

The torso looks very clean and solid. All in all, nice work!

I predict the next one is a Takanuva revamp because of the mask and spear.

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Actually, I already debuted my self moc in this topic Hunter, first ascendant of Krolgate, but that’s a good guess.

@Atobe_Brick and @Axelford, thanks for the feedback and compliments, I appreciate them. Do you see the callbacks to the other Lewas?

Yes I do. The jet packs on the arms reference phantoka Lewa, the air blades from Lewa nuva, and the silver/green pads from Uniter Lewa.