The "Look What I Just Got!" Topic

I’m super jelly.

Anywho since tomorrow is Thursday and I was at Walmart I figured I’d pick this up since it was on sale


Have you tried the game it’s built around yet? I was super into the Heroica subtheme which this game reuses the mechanics of.

Now that. That was the peak of LEGO.


I’m gonna try it out tomorrow on stream.

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That’s a pretty good set.

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do i smell a discount

Walmart summer sales my dude


Shino’s gonna be jealous of all this hot pink


i can do you one better

ask @N01InParticular what it is

seed bad and so is Gaia Gundam .

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it’s so bad

Honestly I really want all those side suits kits to be redone. I mean we got the geminas now where’s HG hydra, Gaia, atlas, etc. so many cool designs that aren’t the main suit just get completely forgotten.

gaia deserves to stay dead
they should probably be redone, yeah
but i want windmill gundam first though

G Gundam in general. At least give an updated devil Gundam and the rest of the shuffle alliance.

more g gundam
i have two master grades and the main guy from g gundam is one of them
(i wouldn’t recommend it. though it was $20, the screws, wonky face, and wacky poseability kinda ruined it for me.)

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I know. I mostly only have the newer 2009(I think?) high grades but I Have the Speigel Gundam (German ninja) mg and god do they need an update. The screws are annoying, posablity is bad for martial art fighting and the rubber hands are so annoying esspecially when holding something.

i mean the rubber’s a good concept, it just isn’t executed well enough, i’d say

I found some new shelves on Nextdoor. The lady who posted it gave them to me for free. Now I have a place to display my collection.


Serious question time for all of us:

What do we like more? Getting stuff to add to our collection, or getting new shelves so we can better display our collection?

Everything is looking good there!

